US Forestry Service apologizes to Hispanics for marijuana 'insensitivity'

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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The U.S. Forestry service has issued an apology for its insensitivity last month when it used the same racist logic in its war against drugs that started the federal government’s armed war against its own citizens more than 70 years.

The “regrettable” and “insensitive” remarks were issued in the form of a warning during a media briefing on August 26th as the result of their recent discovery of a cannabis grow consisting of more than 14,000 plants in the Pike National Forest. The Forest Service officials said that they believed illegal immigrants were being brought to Colorado by Latin American drug cartels to cultivate the massive illegal marijuana crops. They then warned forest visitors to beware of campers who eat tortillas, drink Tecate beer and play Spanish music because they could be armed marijuana growers. Oops!

The Hispanic community was outraged, and rightly so. Two weeks ago Forest Service officials met with 17 Colorado Hispanic leaders and apologized for their poorly chosen words that were intended as a well-intended safety warning. On Monday the U.S. Forest Service issued a written apology to the Hispanic Community in a New Release on the website.

But the entire incident is just another result of the government’s incompetent handling of the problem of addiction in this country and their misconception that prohibition and incarceration of “users” and traffickers is the only way to deal with addicts. “Make it illegal and they will stop.” Or the other prohibitionist favorite, “Build the prisons, and we will fill them.”

The racist comments are nothing new, when you consider the words of Harry Anslinger, the architect of the “Reefer Madness” style campaign against marijuana that insured that the former Bureau of Prohibition agent could enjoy over 30 years of job security in his position as Commissioner of the newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Masterfully using the media, Anslinger effectively lead a campaign of lies and racism to shift the public’s opinion to acceptance of the government’s prohibition of marijuana that officially became law in 1937 despite objections from the American Medical Association.

Harry Anslinger quotes:

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

The U.S. Forestry Service points to the damage done to public lands by illegal marijuana cultivation, yet it fails to correctly identify the cause of the damage. The damage is not caused by the cannabis plants themselves which grow like a weed and thrive in most climates. The damage is caused by prohibition. Prohibition makes it impossible for people to grow their own cannabis, prohibition forces people to purchase marijuana from organized crime, prohibition gives marijuana its high profitability and reason to use the public lands as a means to avoid losing private property in seizures.

Marijuana use will not go away despite the government’s efforts to demonize it and stop its cultivation, sale and use. Marijuana has proven medical value despite the federal government’s denial of the medical evidence, and with their refusal to remove it from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. Even racist undertones won’t stop marijuana use any more than prohibition stopped alcohol use. All prohibition does is reinforce the strength, power and profits of organized crime just as alcohol prohibition did.

Tecate beer, tortillas, and Spanish music have no distinct connection to today’s marijuana use, except maybe when the munchies set in, but they definitely do in the eyes of the federal prohibitionists because they have made Latin American drug cartels more powerful than the Latin American governments. So just to be on the safe side, if you are planning a trip to one of our National Parks and forests, eating hot dogs and hamburgers while listening to Frank Sinatra would probably be a much safer bet, than tacos and Ricky Martin.

"They then warned forest visitors to beware of campers who eat tortillas, drink Tecate beer and play Spanish music because they could be armed marijuana growers."

If these are the things they consistently find at the grow sites then the comment may be an appropriate warning whether it sounds racist or whether the latin community likes it or not.
Gonna Eat That? said:
If these are the things they consistently find at the grow sites then the comment may be an appropriate warning whether it sounds racist or whether the latin community likes it or not.
I was thinking the same thing. Its not meant to say ALL hispanics are cartel...but if out hiking in the middle of nowhere coming across the cartel without some knowledge could be a very bad thing.
Mutt said:
I was thinking the same thing. Its not meant to say ALL hispanics are cartel...but if out hiking in the middle of nowhere coming across the cartel without some knowledge could be a very bad thing.

Agreed, better safe than sorry
Im going to litter my growroom with Tecate cans and if LEO finds it ill tell em the cartels have been camping out in my garage
I think maybe a point is being missed here. They warned that ANYONE using those items may be cartel members.

I'll bet they also find cigarette butts. Should they also put out a warning that any campers who smoke cigarettes may be cartel members?

If you smoke cigarettes and that was used as criteria for searching your campsite with armed police, how happy would that make anyone?

Oh, you smoke, so do a lot of cartel members. That means I can search you because you happen to smoke?
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i know my car has been searched for open containers because i had a cooler in the back seat even though i was leaving my fav fishing site and had nightcrawlers in the cooler and i know lots of people who take their lunch to work everyday in the exact same size cooler i had......cops will use any reason they can get away with to profile you and say your a criminal!
eastla_kushsmoka said:
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:yeahthat: What he said????
They warned that ANYONE using those items may be cartel members.
....."MAY BE".......
anyone driving a Cadillac MAY BE a pimp..
anyone driving a green tractor MAY BE a farmer...
anyone eating raw oysters MAY BE fishy smelling....
anyone posting at MP MAY BE a pot grower....
anyone driving 35 mph in the fast lane MAY BE a blue hair from florida! :rofl:...
Hick said:
...anyone driving 35 mph in the fast lane MAY BE a blue hair from florida! :rofl:...
Damn! I'm glad all my blue hair fell out! heheehee
FruityBud said:
So just to be on the safe side, if you are planning a trip to one of our National Parks and forests, eating hot dogs and hamburgers while listening to Frank Sinatra would probably be a much safer bet, than tacos and Ricky Martin.
Not to mention that it may be safer for your sanity and bowels too :D
If they're eating Borscht and drinking vodka, watch out, they're Russian Mafia!
Last Summer, some nice (non citizen) latinos got caught in the fires around here.....
Wonder if they were out Hiking?
anybody ever been to one of the million construction work sights......
Does this mean that if they are eating spaghetti and drinking red wine they are Italian Mafia :confused2: I can already see the Goodfellas sitting out in the trees on a plaid picnicking blanket, Was-a-matta U, why use out here 'round my grow spot :rofl:

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