update on transplanting from soil to hydro!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2008
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so i transplanted 2 plants from soil to hydro yesterday, running them under warm water until 98 percent of all dirt was gone. some roots wrapped around some bark pieces didnt want to damage. its only been 22 hours since transplant, but it doesnt really look like it stressed them out to much. yeah!

the feeding cycle is 1 hour on and 1 hour off seems to be working well but i dunno.
im using flora grow and flora micro 1/2 tsp a piece in 2 gallons of water.
light cycle is 24/0

let me know wut u think here are befor and after pics. the bigger one is 8 days older than other

i didnt have pics of them in their 4 gal buckets. but the first pics are the original things i put them in and transplanted them last saturday into the 4 gal. and only tranplanted them into my hydro cause one got swormed with ants.
I would recommend putting each plant in its own container.

They look nice and green and healthy. They don't appear to have suffered at all going from soil to hydro--good job!
thanks. thats wut i wanted to do just dont have cash till friday to buy. but on friday im buying 2 more with some other accesories. but the guy at hydro shop said they would be fine just wont grow that big.
what if ones a male and the roots are entwinned together?that sounds good on the nutes.iuse the GH line myself
i dunno. good questions didnt think of that. would that mean i couldnt take that plant out unless cut at the base. and would the male roots after plant cut down hurt the female plant? like turning it male or hermie. or possibly killing it.
i thought so too but the directions say with this system it should be 1 hour on and 1 off. and the ebb&flo system would be 1/2 hour on and 3 hours off. but its been well over 24 hours im sure something wrong would have happened by now.
bigb said:
i dunno. good questions didnt think of that. would that mean i couldnt take that plant out unless cut at the base. and would the male roots after plant cut down hurt the female plant? like turning it male or hermie. or possibly killing it.

Possibly kill it. If one of the plants is a male and you cut it, the roots will die. As Andy said, the roots will most likely be intertwined. As the the roots from the male plant dies it could very possibly contaminate the res and/or cause root rot. It is not a good situation.
so could i take 1 out 2morrow when i buy the other 2 kits and put it in their since it would only be 48 hours in the 1 system
I finally registered and got an account on here... mainly because this is my second time growing, and first time growing indoor. I'm workin w/ limited space and have decided to go with the crack version of bubbleponics. Right now i've built myself a "grow box" which is a rubbermaid container with flourescents mounted to the inside on the under side of the lid... but today my lighting mechanism failed me and i had a light fall on a plant and snap half the leaves in half... only seconds went by and it was slouched over. I have staked this plant up with s wooden skewer and am praying for the best. Does anyone more experienced than me think this baby will make it?
i doubt it. but thats something i would post in my own thread. as u probly wont get a lot of answers. posting in this thread
how would i go about doing that... like i said ive only had acct for about 45 mins
bigb said:
so could i take 1 out 2morrow when i buy the other 2 kits and put it in their since it would only be 48 hours in the 1 system

You will have some time before you have to worry about the roots becoming tangled--days, maybe a week or more. So if you can get the new kits tomorrow, you will be just fine. Here is some green mojo--hoping for girls.

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