turning males into females

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
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I was told that if you pinch off the nubs on a male plant it will turn into a female. is that true?
and I suggest you not listen to whomever told you that
If it were that easy there would be no males. :D

You can turn a female male but not vice versa so far as I know. I would find a new circle of friends. That is some bad advice/info.
No, you cannot change the sex of a plant. Actually you can't even turn a female male, but you can make a female grow male parts and the reverse is probably true. This is not a desirable thing however and you never want it to happen.

While I don't know if I would go so far as to advising new friends, but definitely do not listen to this person in regards to anything about growing as they are obviously oblivious.
I grew out Bodhi's headtrip. The male I chose for breeding threw out a few hairs. I posted a pix at breedbay, which is where Bodhi hangs his hat. Bodhi showed me his male, with exactly the same trait. The breeding I did was called the box of chocolate, and 4U2smoke was kind enough to test some of them. There was a single nanner that showed, and I suspect it was from using hermi's to breed with.
Umbra, I've hurd that some males that pop a hair here and there can be extremely potent. I've had it but never bread them outta fear.

Is that what bohdi was shooting for?

I would assume so but you know about assuming part. Lol
I think so. That info came from DJ Short in his book on breeding. From a purely genetic point of view, it is a crapshoot. You may or may not get a great offspring because cannabis being a diploid both parent provide 1\2 the genes, but there is no way of knowing which half either parent will donate.

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