thermal shield question

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Oct 15, 2009
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please everybody, give me your advice... opinions. does thermal shield really work and block imagery and heat signatures. the guy at my local grow shop says yes, but not to buy it because it makes your room extremely hot. anyone have any personal knowledge or info on this stuff. also what about those insulated looking covers they sell that fits around your lights..... ?????? thanks
I am currently using it in my rooms. Not sure if it actually works, for blocking heat signatures because I lack that type of equipment, however I also have rooms without the the thermal shield and I have not seen a difference in room temperature. Both rooms are about the same size with the same light setup one with TS and one without, the a/c's in each room are set at the same temp.
Ok let me get my head around this, you want to use a thermal shield? WOW. So a friend of mine was growing in his attic during winter. All the houses around him were covered in snow, his was bear and steaming. I didn't take long for the fuzzzzzzzz to figure out what was up. In his case I would say he needed a thermal shield. Do you really need one or are you being a little over cautious? I mean the grow shops do tend to push a lot of **.
It cant mask your exhaust, just somthing to think about.
Sinisterhand said:
Ok let me get my head around this, you want to use a thermal shield? WOW. So a friend of mine was growing in his attic during winter. All the houses around him were covered in snow, his was bear and steaming. I didn't take long for the fuzzzzzzzz to figure out what was up. In his case I would say he needed a thermal shield. Do you really need one or are you being a little over cautious? I mean the grow shops do tend to push a lot of **.

you need to ventilate properly to avoid this problem. using the thermal shield will not stop that issue. in order to not have this issue on my house i have run 12" insulated flex duct from my can filter and 12"can fan, through the attic and out through a 12" vent i installed on the roof. now when it snows, my house looks like all the others on my block.

also if you do decide to go with the thermal shield, buy it from home depot or lowes, it is much cheaper there and it is in the insulation department.
Like some said it wont cool down your vent out of the grow area, but it would make it harder to see. best thing you can do is to cool your air thats venting before it leaves if you want to be completely safe.

If you are going to use a thermal shield then you are going to need to vent because otherwise it will overheat. now when you do vent they are going to be able to see allot of hot air coming out of one place (the vent)

if you have ducting for venting i would suggest running as little as possible along the ceiling as it would leave a heat Sig on the roof if an image is taken from the sky.

Just think of it this way, any were out side your grow area would need to be the same temp as the rest of the house. even venting air.

i haven't used any of these things, but have done a little homework when it comes to this.
I guess I'm just not paranoid enough for a guy living in arguably the most draconian state in the union. You guys must be sprouting waaaay more than I am.
I cant even imagine if I run my house at 69 and the grow room is 75 at all times, that they could detect anything nor have the time to do so. There flying over your crib for a reason. And the flights on TV over communities, they already know or heard there something fishy in the hood...
Growdude said:
It cant mask your exhaust, just somthing to think about.

No but over kill on the fans might..

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