suficated roots

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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If the plants root system are totally submergerd under water with out air being pumped into the water (because im growing outdoors) how long would it take for the plant to start to die, or would the plant die at all?
thats what ebb and flow is, how long you do mean? no longer than 30 minutes id say, but im no hydro expert, i would take the risk if you think the area is a place that floods alot. find higher ground.
Outside the plant would live longer at night under water than in the daytime where the hot sun will also help kill the plant along with a lack of air to the roots. If the water went down in a few hours there would only be a minimal damage but if it laster into the second day the plant will start to droop and the leaves will start dieing. I moved some that were under water to higher ground but it took a month or more for them to recover from one days damage being under water. Hope this helped.

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