Storage House AC/Vent setup question.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Hello all,

I had a post awhile back asking about some floro help.

Since then i have really been looking at pricing for that vs. a 400w HPS and have changed my plan.

I have a 15 x 10 storage house that is in the back corner of my yard up against the fence. I will be using only about a 4 x 3.8 ft section of it for my setup. It now has a non working window/wall ac unit in it. I will at best luck (bag seeds) maybe only get 4 or females to grow. I originally wanted to use a bank of floro's for lighting (10+) but the price was getting up there, when i can order a complete 400w HPS kit for like 100 bucks. I just came into possesion of a sharp 9500 btu portable ac/dehumidifier/vent unit that is now going to be out there. I will run the exhaust hose out the square whole in the wall where that crapped out ac unit is. If i put a charcoal filter between the exhaust and the outside will I be in good shape for cooling/circulation/smell? Thanks in advance all. I may end up visiting the good dr. if i can't germ the beans i have.

PS: i may plant some rosemary around the shed to help out...good idea or wasted time/money?
It all depends on how well the filter works. I'm not sure how you'll retrofit it to the ac unit, but it should work.:confused2:

Keep in mind that it will reduce airflow, and may strain the fan.

You could test it's effectiveness by burning some incense, then checking if you smell it outdoors.

Good luck :)
I run a portable a/c in my room with great results. be careful about the exhaust though. If you put that carbon filter on your A/C you're either going to burn out the fan motor due to the back pressure created by the filter or reduce the efficiency of the AC dramatically. I would recommend putting an inline fan in between the AC exhaust and the carbon filter to reduce back pressure.
AC unit ------> inline fan ------> carbon filter
Another way to do it would be to get a thru wall unit and cut a hole for it in your wall. Be sure to seal everything up with spray foam so that you don't have any leaks. The thru wall units are divided so that they use outside air to cool the hot end (outside) and keep it outside, and pull air from inside the room, cool it and blow it back in to the room. That way the air inside the room stays inside the room and you don't need to worry about it. As for the carbon filter, you NEED a blower for that thing. Do it right the first time instead of wasting time and money (believe me, I know about that).

oh, and planting rosemary, thyme, peppermint, lavender, etc around the area is always a good idea. It smells great anyway.

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