Starting the planting, need help

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May 28, 2008
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Okay so Im new to growing but last summer i learned a lot from my cousin who grew very successfully and ive been waiting until right about now to start. I have germinated about 15 seeds and im ready to start sprouting. I had a quick question though. First will it be okay to buy some soil and keep the plants in a 5 gallon bucket with holes on the bottom for the entire growing period. I didnt know if the roots needed more room when they start to get around 4-5 feet tall. Oh and also at what point do male plants start to threaten the females with their pollen. I know you can identify the males from females by bagging the branch with a 12/12 light dark ratio but i know i wont be able to keep that schedual for 2 weeks.
those 5 gallon buckets will be fine, i use them for all my grows. With the amount of time you have left, i dont think you'll reach 5 feet tall. they should start flowering around august and be done about holloween (atleast 4 people that live in california).
As soon as you notice a male, kill it unless you want seeds. there is not much of a point of keeping the males unless you plan on breeding. theres not much if any useable cannabis that comes from a male. its really a waste of time, unless like i said, you plan on breeding.
Dont even bag a branch. just let your plants grow. when its time for them to show their sex, you can decide on what you want to do from there. they'll probably start to show in about 2 months.
the males plants wont do anything to the females plants until there is a constant pollen sac production. they will start to hatch open and from there you get seeds. you'll have plenty of time to identify whats what before they start release the pollen.
Hi there. Welcome to MP. Definitely take a good look around. There is a wealth of information on here to be had. The Resources Tab at the top of the page is a great place to start. 5 gallon buckets will be just fine. You will have plenty of time to identify the males before any threat of the ladies getting pollenated. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.

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