Sick Girl! Please Help! Pics...

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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This is what happened to one of my girls...All the leafs have died and her stem feels as if it's empty on the inside....i think she's dead! What has caused this...? anyone have any ideea?


Really can't tell what your growing area IS LIKE. iT appears that they are severely light damaged, not to much but not enough. The plants need food and water and lites on a pretty good schedule to flourish
What are you feeding it? What kind of soil? How long have they been in those little pots? How intense is the light? How hot is the room? etc. etc.

We need more info. And no it isn't dead yet
wow not much left to save. if it can be help these guys will be the ones to do it..your in good hands. good luck
looks to me as if it had some pretty serious stretch early on. was it full, and this just happened?, cause the girls in the background look fine. what size pots are they in? do they go outside during the day? nutes? do you have a cat?
I feel your pain Bro... I'm sorry to see this... I wonder How long did it take to go that bad? Keep your eye on those pretty girls in the Background, mistakes and hard times make us stronger...
Grow on!
banjobuzz said:
looks to me as if it had some pretty serious stretch early on. was it full, and this just happened?, cause the girls in the background look fine. what size pots are they in? do they go outside during the day? nutes? do you have a cat?

Thanks. They are in 5 liter pots...and they stay out all the time, i feed them nuts once a week as the intrusctions on the bottle say...and no i do not have a cat :).
crashul said:
Thanks. They are in 5 liter pots...and they stay out all the time, i feed them nuts once a week as the intrusctions on the bottle say...and no i do not have a cat :).

Its looks like nute burn, really needed some light but I dont think thats what caused this.
snuggles said:
What are you feeding it? What kind of soil? How long have they been in those little pots? How intense is the light? How hot is the room? etc. etc.

We need more info. And no it isn't dead yet

Well, i give them NPK 4,4,10 right now, once a week. The pots are 5 liters, are they too small? The light is very intense...the get almost 16 Hours of sunlight, out of which 13 of direct sun. The balcony is very hot...about 100 degrees F because it,s on the top floor of the building.
HippyInEngland said:
Hi Crash :)

What caused this?

Hi Hippy. I'm not sure. It started about a week ago. The leafs started to wither. i thinks it has to do with the roots. I changed its soil and stopped watering it. I don't know what else to do. Do you think the pots are too small? They are 5 liter pots...The other plants are doing just fine. The truth is that the balcony i have them on gets quite hot during the day as it has direct sunlight in it for about 13 hours. The temperature goes up to 38 Degrees Celsius, maybe even 40. But i do have a fan....
What do you think?
I think the pots are far too small, you have enormous heat, the soil in the sick plant looks bone dry, a pot 3 times the size would hold more moisture, I think your plant is dying, the nutes your giving it need to be even numbers, your giving it too much K, the plant has experienced a lot of stress and I think even if it did survive it is going to hermie on you, I personally would try to take 2 or 3 cuttings from it and clone it, but its your call :)
Nce call HIE.. I missed looks like t was twsted off huh?.. agree take some clones and try agan n larger pot...Good luck

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