Thought this might help people post links without making them live which is against site rules. Changing hTTp to hXXp is one way but there is a much simpler way and it only involves unchecking one little box.
Above the manage attachments button there is three boxes.
Show signature
Automatically parse links in text
Disable smilies in text.
If you uncheck the Automatically parse links box then you can copy your links in as is and they will not show up live. Making it easy for anyone who wants to go to that link to just copy the whole thing.
Sow Amazing Seeds>>>
This is the area I am talking about.
Above the manage attachments button there is three boxes.
Show signature
Automatically parse links in text
Disable smilies in text.
If you uncheck the Automatically parse links box then you can copy your links in as is and they will not show up live. Making it easy for anyone who wants to go to that link to just copy the whole thing.
Sow Amazing Seeds>>>
This is the area I am talking about.