The good thing is though, is that waiting is so great. Watching that plant grow is as fun as smoking it -- the anticipation only sweetens the pot.
Anywho, the plant looks good.
I guess I did detect a little bit of impatience, even though none was explicitly expressed.
But just in case an impatient farmer is reading..... just please, do yer-self right. Wait a minute, and take that time. Don't go to picking the small little buds when they first appear. A taste never hurt anyone, but practice discipline.
I suppose my post here is also me speaking to a cousin of mine, who cannot grow a plant to save his life, because he'll smoke all the damned leaves off of it first.
Some people have difficulty here, in this waiting room, but it is okay! There are plenty of things to keep you entertained!
Notice the insect life around your plant. Buy a tarantula or a turtle to live amongst your secret garden. Sit in the dirt and smoke and watch. Read about soil mediums and notice how your brain grows with all of this new knowledge.
Take care of them babies, and they'll do ya right!