So the attic didnt work from the word go, so i had to scrap the plan and redesign.
I created a new grow area....4ftX4ftX5FT. This is a "room within a room design. It is in an outbuilding (shed).
So Ive got the room totally built out. I built the room with OSB board and 2X4s/ The counts are as follows:
5 sheets of 4X8 OSB board 1/2 inch.
8 10Ft 2X4's
I lined the inside with the stryofoam house insulation boards, all but the bottom is lined. Then I drywalled and taped using the mold resistent "Greenboard" sheetrock. Painted 2 coats of Flat White interior paint. The next list of materials are:
2 sheets 4X12 1/2 inch geenboard
3 sheets styrofoam insulation
1 bucket drywall mud
1 roll drywall tape
1 1/2 inch drywall screws
1 can flat white interior paint
That completed the actual buildout of the room.
Ventilation and cooling:
I used 6 inch ducting for the exaust system. The ventilation system is powered by a inline duct fan. The fan is 8 inches and 380CFM. I had to get this fan becuase noone local had a 6 inch inline fan. I purchased the inline duct fan at a local A/c supply company that dealt with the public. The 6 inch ducting was neede due to my air cooled hood having 6 inch outlets. This made me have to purchase to reducers, 8 inch to 6 inch. The ducting joints wer all joined using Duct Tape. There is a 6500BTU window air conditioning unit inside the box, put through a hole cut in the side of the box at around light level (not protruding from outside the building). The supplies needed were:
1 8 inch inline duct fan
1 25FT length of 6 inch flexible ducting
1 roll duct tape
1 6 inch colloar
2 8 inch to 6 inch reducers
1 roll ducting strapping
1 6500 BTU window air conditioning unit (smallest one I could find)
Im using a Lumetek 600 watt MH/HPS with electric Ballast. The light has an air cooled hood and lens. The light is suspended by chains, rigged so the light can be easily raised and lowered. The Air cooled hood is cooled by the air being pulled into the inline duct fan through the light, and out the box.
Did a test run tonight and other than a few issues the box works awesome. The total amount spent with lights and vent system included was about 750.00The issues remaining to fix are:
seal the doors better, light leaks can be seen,
the major issue i am having now is that although the box is very very cool, got it down to 72, the AC unit is creating a huge amount of heat inside the shed. I guess I am going to have to cut a vent in the side of the shed in the back where the AC is, to let the heat out. The problem there will probably ot will then be noticable, and suspecious (an outbuilding with heat coming out of it) and can be seen by FLIR:holysheep: ...Didnt see this issue coming....
any help would be appreciated..... I will post pics onece all issues are worked out and the girl is in there...