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Dank Creator
May 27, 2008
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I am working again with Treating Yourself magazine and I put together a story today that I am submitting thats a bit different than my usual reefer report.
I have actually already done a report on the Killer Queen featured in the story you can view it here
Some of those pisctures will be used in the article.

This has not been edited yet I tend to type fast and let more educated people catch my mistakes so it wont be printed like this.

I wanted some input on the story itself please

A Titanic Killer Queen Incident
By Subcool

Imagine your 18 years old, riding along on a nice spring day on your new Honda CBR 600 sport bike. You down shift to make a sharp right hand turn in the city and run head on into a huge city bus that in your legal lane of traffic. In an instant "BAM" your life is changed forever. This is what happened to my friend "Titan" a few years back. The bus was forced to swing out into his lane and since it was a blind corner, Titan never saw his lane was blocked. In a Coma for some time the legal system rolled right over this young man and he received no compensation other than the insurance that covered some of his medical bills. Paralyzed at the T5 vertebrae with loss of function from his upper chest down my little bro is now confined to a wheel chair for good. The injury did not however dim his amazing spirit or passion for life. Titan is a very accomplished musician and a very exceptional grower. I am sure he faces some heavy demons in the wee hours of the night but to meet him and to see his smile and inner passion that is contagious to all those around him.
I would like for any anti- medical cannabis person to explain why this young man should be denied any form of relief available to him? For sure he faces challenges most of us couldn't even begin to imagine. If a natural plant can give him some pain relief and possibly a good nights sleep, who has the right to prevent him from using anything to get through the day? People that say medical marijuana is just an excuse should be forced to spend a month in Titans chair!
I first met Titan online when he responded to a few of my DIY threads asking me to clarify a few points I had made. He was eager to learn and very respectful so it wasn't long we became pretty good friends.
I learned of his accident and while I watched people complain about the normal challenges of life I saw Titan operating a medical grow op from a wheel chair. I bitch about the work and I can walk on two feet but this young man does everything all growers do only being able to move the top 1/4 of his body. I can't is not in his vocabulary it seems. The next time your having a bad day just deal with it as Titan does everyday!
So in the summer of 2009 we attended the Seattle Hempfest and we invited many of our online fans to come hang out with us. Hempfest in Seattle has been a very safe place for us and one of the best get togethers around. I met lots of cool people who I got as high as I knew how on full melt bubble and in the middle of this commotion of melting bubble and swirling smoke Titan rolled up. Titan is a Rasta has some bad *** duds but what I noticed was an amazing cherub smile. I was in the middle of a conversation with others and I stopped in mid sentence to give my little bro a big hug. He hugged me back and then proceeeded to pull out a jar of Pandora's Box a strain he had grown out from my seed. It was the best sample I had seen at Hempfest all weekend and in the top 5 samples I saw all year.
Regardless if he likes it or not I kinda adopted Titan as my little bro and we have become good freinds over the last year. He showed me pictures of a cutting he grew out and it looked really fire. He told me it was a Killer Queen female he had selected from seed.
I am always on the lookout for exceptional Cannabis, I have said many times some of the best medicine is held by private growers in small gardens all across North America. Because of the variation in Cannabis it common for many growers to have different cuttings of a strain and each to be very different from the other. So while many collectors will run across a strain and after one look decide that its not what they are looking for. I however know that selection is everything and a grower really in touch with the plant will most likely do a better job of selection than someone strictly driven by profits.
Titan and I agreed to swap some genetics and since were both legal its completely safe to trade clones with each other. I am always worried about pest though so I put the two clones he gave me of the Killer Queen through a strict quarantine before transplanting her and then taking cuts from healthy fresh growth.
I pretty much ignored the plant until just before harvest when I noticed her literally dripping with resin. While the plant had a high leaf to pistil ratio every surface was glistening with trichomes. At week 7 I did a sniff test and wasn't all that impressed mainly picking up a G-13 odor, which I am not a fan of. I did a small report on what I saw stating I did not think it looked to be a keeper strain. Only a week later I re-inspected to find a completely different smell. In that short seven day period the fruitiness of the Cinderella-99 seems to come through. Killer Queen is a hybrid made up of G-13 and Cindy99 and according to the phenotype chosen each female can exhibit traits from mom, dad or both. I have grown out a Cindy Dom female before but she was not as potent as this plant ended up being. The first surprize was the ultra white bubble the sugar leaf produced when it was run through a set of Bubble Bags. The water hash came out almost completely dry and was very pure, being the color of sheet rock mud and bubbling completely leaving no residue when burned.
The second surprise was how potent the dried buds are, this is no creeper weed and one hit smacks you clearly between the eyes and sets you back in your seat. For someone whose job is describing the subtle nuances of the smell and taste of weed I struggle defining this one. My back was starting to hurt a few moments ago so I took a break to medicate on some Killer Queen and Jill and myself and one of my card holding friends all took turns trying to describe the unique smell. I smell some sort of exotic spiced tea and Jill said Champagne and Dioxide thought it reminded him of some fancy designer candle with a fragrant smell like artificial pineapple. It is a very pleasant smell to a smoker but its hard to put words to the exact smell and taste.
Titan is coming down to visit next weekend and I can't wait to get his opinion of the buds I grew from his cutting. I am also happy that we put a cutting into our library because Titan lost his due to a outbreak of mites. We will have a healthy clone waiting on little bro as soon as he arrives along with a phat bonghit.
Medical Marijuana has many faces, I wanted to introduce you to one of those faces that has touched my life.
As Titan would say;
Jah Bless


Man o man! Awsome..i said awsome pot story cool! Got a few probs myself but i see it's nothing now. Tell little bro ......gracias! Just............gracias!
The problem has one name,,,RELIGION and OLD FARTS. I know,,I use to be one. That is,,,, untill I started asking questions.
That young Man has the right to use anything to get relieve from HIS PAIN that is at his disposal. No one should have the right to tell someone in Pain or depressed or what the hell ever, what they can use to make thier life better. Its your life,,and as long as your not hurting anyone,,WHO are they(The Morons responsible for these stupid Marijuana Laws and OTHERS) to say, you cant do this or that??? No One has the right to tell you how to life YOUR LIFE. YA only have one LIFE that we KNOW for sure,,and ya better take advantage of anything and everything at your disposal to enjoy IT!!!;)
I wish the best for this young Man,,and hope he smokes nothing but the goood Stuuufff.
I wish the best for this young Man,,and hope he smokes nothing but the goood Stuuufff.

Thats on top of my list as well brother..
subcool said:
I wish the best for this young Man,,and hope he smokes nothing but the goood Stuuufff.

Thats on top of my list as well brother..

Well,it shouldnt be a problem then,,cause you my Brother have some killer Weed. You take care of the Little Brother,,Ya hear me!:hubba:
Great story subcool !!!I enjoy it a lot !! gratz

BIU :bong2: for ya !!!
subcool said:
In a Coma for some time the legal system rolled right over this young man and he received no compensation other than the insurance that covered some of his medical bills. Paralyzed at the T5 vertebrae with loss of function from his upper chest down my little bro is now confined to a wheel chair for good.

Speechless. And ashamed.:eek:
Excellent read man!

I have a girlfriend in Ohio who is my age I met her 10 yrs ago she lived in the apt below me. we were both 29, but I thout she was in her late 50's. When she showed me a picture of herself from 4 yrs earlier, I wanted to tell her I was not an no way you!

Cindy was a stripper, and got hooked up booting dope, and contracted HIV, and then full blown AIDS. I found this out after I had already burnt with her a few times, and never being around anyone, or really knowing the truth about HIV/AIDS...I was scared that I would contract it from burning with her. Then I realized that she always insisted on using her own one hitter bat, not wanting to put her buds at risk.

I know this is a different scenerio, I know she chose to use IV drugs, but she didn't choose to contract a disease anymore than your little bro deserved to be in a wreck. There is still no Medical MJ in Ohio, and this woman is forced to either use the Marinol (complete trash) or break the law. I don't get it! She is dieing, and Mj is the only thing that gives her an appetite, and "they" won't allow her to have it. She used to get hospitalised every few months until they could get her to safe weight and release her again. She doesn't have this problem anymore, because myself and 3 other growing friends all make sure she is well stocked. She hasn't been in the hospital for being underweight in the last 6 yrs, she doesn't have to take alot of the pain meds or appetite stimulants anymore...but we are still all operating illegally to keep her weight on and healthy.

Sub...I respect your lil bro...allthough I don't know what he or my friend Cindy are feeling...I know how it makes me feel to help, and that is priceless in my eyes. I just wish the world would wake up and see the benefits that are here, and so much more healthy for us...I think it should be illegal to deny someone relief...any polotician/ lawmen that doesn't allow a sick person to treat themselves in whatever way that works should be considered the criminal!

Great read always ...Subcool! Hopefully your hard work, and the work of others willing to pass on stories like this will get through to the majority of the US and we will all be able to do what we love without fear of retribution!

Legalize Freedom!
good story and lets us know what he thinks of ur take off of his weed
The injury did not however dim his amazing spirit or passion for life. Titan is a very accomplished musician and a very exceptional grower. I am sure he faces some heavy demons in the wee hours of the night but to meet him and to see his smile and inner passion that is contagious to all those around him.

Nice words, Sub. Isn't that what Iggy Pop calls the lust for life? Rave on, Titan.
Good read over morning coffee. I read it on the laptop on the porch as I can just get a peek of Mt.Rainier and thought Titan is somewhere close tending to his ladies with TLC. Thanx
Thanks all,
I spoke with Titan just after I sent him this and he said it made him and his Mom cry. If my dumb *** can evoke emotion then I am deff doing what I was meant to do.
The part of the story I did leave out was how well he did with the clones I passed to him filling his stash with Urkle, Vortex, JTR, and Cheese

Hes headed down next weekend to show off his Killer Queen x Pre 1984 Skunk male hybrid he says is even better than the KQ.
I can't wait.

I will pass your kind words on to my little bro.

Great writing subcool. I think you will leave anyone reading this article hoping only for the best for this young man. I wish I would have read it a couple months back when I was on crutches and complaining about the work I had to do in my garden :eek:

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