Need some assistance on venting

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
Ok so fairly new to actually having a dedicated space to grow, but today I started making my grow box. So far so good, I just need to put the doors on tomorrow and the seperator in to seperate my mother and flower room. This box is going to be a flower room on one side and my mother room on the other. My question has to do with venting the air. The flowering side will have a 400w HPS and my mother side will be 4 flourescents which do not put off a lot of heat. What I have pictured for cooling would be a fan near the bottom of the flower room sucking in air, a fan in the middle wall between the two rooms sending air in near the bottom, another fan higher up in the flower room sucking air out of it and back into the flower room and then another fan on the top of the flower room sucking out the hot air (I am also considering using ducting attached to my 400w HPS and then sucking air out the top, not sure if I would need that in addition to a second fan on top or if the one would do). I hope that makes sense and I have drawn up and attached a paint picture I sketched up. Someone help me, specific fans and ducting I would need would be GREAT. Thanks guys!

Edit: Just thinking about it, if I do install the 2 fans in between the rooms to share air, is it possible to block light that the fans would likely let through? Also I would need this all to be able to just plug into the wall or very easy to wire up a plug to them.

all that is perfect, but sure attach the duct hose to the hps.. and duct fan to remove heats... other room with flo, use regular auto moving fan.. be sure to have good air coming in on that grow room then you are off to perfect growing
I think that you are making this more complicated than it needs to be. I would not have any fans in the wall between the 2 rooms--there is no upside and a lot of downside.

The mother room will most likely only need a passive inlet and 1 fan for exhaust.

If you have the ability to air cool the light, you should do so. The ducting for the light should be independent of any other ducting. A fan bringing in cool air near the floor and an exhaust near the ceiling is a good idea. If odor is a problem, you can use a carbon filter on the ceiling exhaust.

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