Marijuana and the Nervous System ???

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Nov 12, 2007
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does anybody have any information on marijuana and how it affects your nervous system?

It just occured to me.....but i think its possible we may be screwing up our nervous system permantly.

I mean think about it, if you know about our bodys......Marijuana could seriously be messing with the nervous system.......

I mean, i have been smoking since 5 or 6 years now.
and i smoke a real lot of ganja....

so i need info on mj and nervous system, thanks.
hey ekoostik,
for awhile i thought the same(prompted me to quit for a decade),but
i was also doing alot of synthetics..cannabis has been used for centuries
from everything to catching a buzz to serious health related problems
currently i have been smoking close to a year now,i find all aspects of my life improved,that said i don't use habitually just when i know i'll benefit(i.e 6-10 times a month avg..
hoped this helps in some small way.
ok this is what i have is the link...but im going to post what i found most useful to my question:

". After reviewing all of the evidence, the Academy concluded: "There is not yet any conclusive evidence as to whether prolonged use of marijuana causes permanent changes in the nervous system or sustained impairment of brain function and behavior in human beings". "Interpretation of the evidence linking marijuana to 'amotivational syndrome' is difficult. Such symptoms have been known to occur in the absence of marijuana. Even if there is an association between this syndrome and the use of marijuana, that does not prove that marijuana causes the syndrome. Many troubled individuals seek an 'escape' into use of drugs: thus frequent use of marijuana may become one more in a series of conterproductive behaviors for these unhappy people"."
bro777 said:
hey ekoostik,
for awhile i thought the same(prompted me to quit for a decade),but
i was also doing alot of synthetics..cannabis has been used for centuries
from everything to catching a buzz to serious health related problems
currently i have been smoking close to a year now,i find all aspects of my life improved,that said i don't use habitually just when i know i'll benefit(i.e 6-10 times a month avg..
hoped this helps in some small way.

True, i have also eaten my fair share of other substances.
main ones being LSD and "X"...... and u know, im sure i need to worry more about how much lsd and xtc affected my central nervous.....and my brain.
However, i still think long term use of marijuana will have similar affects to my CNS,
Ekoostik_Hookah said:
However, i still think long term use of marijuana will have similar affects to my CNS,

I personally think you are freaking yourself out. If you are really worried about it, you can always stop.

I have smoked for over 15 years and it has changed me - I think I am a more mellow person for it, and have a great outlook on life. I can live with that change :D
ya i know, i feel the same way dude.
its just something i thought about too hard.
I honestly feel that it change my outlook on life, and im a more relaxed person.
i was thinking about down the line....because i dont know how im going to be affected in 15+ more years.
Way down the line you will be approaching the age of some of us, and once there , you can turn around and see where you have been, But the really cool part is when you check out the general direction of travel you have been taking all those years, and suddenly you can see whats likely to be coming up next.
Brain damage, altered states, dinged up nervous system, yep got them all, BUT not from MJ use, just living life has done that.

smoke in peace
hey reading this has got me thinking (oh no ppl in trouble lol) i started smoking when i was 15 and today im 35 so for 20 years ive been smoking,,,, do i think m/j has changed my life yes it has but not in the way yall are talking in this post
brain damage: ive never clam im a very smart person but does that mean ive got dumber over the years,,,, NO i have not!!!!!
nervous system:do i have bad nerves YES i do..... its NOT cause of smoking its kids, hubby and life
not saying m/j dont burn brain cells hell thats what we been told all of our lives but i dont think m/j causes serious ploblems like being said on this post (MY THOUGHTS) hope this helps
I don't think you have anything to worry about with respect to your nervous system, unless you are playing around with synthetics.
annscrib said:
not saying m/j dont burn brain cells hell thats what we been told all of our lives but i dont think m/j causes serious ploblems like being said on this post (MY THOUGHTS) hope this helps

Alcohol kills many brain cells. Here is a funny little story that just recently happened to me. My wife and I have fertility problems, we have tried to have a baby for 3 years. Recently we did the insemination and I had to take care of my business in a cup before it could happen. My wife was all scared because she thought that my smoking the herb was going to ruin our chances of getting pregnant....don't forget it also kills your sperm!!! Muuuhahhahahaha. Annnywayyys, she asked the doctor about this and the doctor laughed and said, normal sperm count is around 20 million, your husband has 159 million. So, the moral of the story is; it DOES NOT kill your brain cells, it DOES NOT kill your nervous system, it DOES NOT make you rape, beat, pillage or plunder, and it DOES NOT kill your sperm!!!!!!
Maybe since you started at 16. MJ and lots of other substances, even alcohol can affect the development of the brain and you're problem might lie there, when you are 16 the mind/brain is still developing.
snuggles said:
Maybe since you started at 16. MJ and lots of other substances, even alcohol can affect the development of the brain and you're problem might lie there, when you are 16 the mind/brain is still developing.

Dang it, I forgot about that. Well, I am going to step off my soap box. You have a point there I didn't even consider.
godspeedsuckah said:
Alcohol kills many brain cells. Here is a funny little story that just recently happened to me. My wife and I have fertility problems, we have tried to have a baby for 3 years. Recently we did the insemination and I had to take care of my business in a cup before it could happen. My wife was all scared because she thought that my smoking the herb was going to ruin our chances of getting pregnant....don't forget it also kills your sperm!!! Muuuhahhahahaha. Annnywayyys, she asked the doctor about this and the doctor laughed and said, normal sperm count is around 20 million, your husband has 159 million. So, the moral of the story is; it DOES NOT kill your brain cells, it DOES NOT kill your nervous system, it DOES NOT make you rape, beat, pillage or plunder, and it DOES NOT kill your sperm!!!!!!

Good post, I am an alcoholic as many of you already know. I see a counselor to make sure I don't stray (over 2 years YAY). She has told me exactly what you are saying, though she does not condone the use of MJ (LOL) or does she? Amyways we went through what alcohol does, it does kill brain cells, it does change the chemistry of the brain...long story short, a lot of the things or propaghanda about weed is actually ALCOHOL related, and I heard this from a drug and alcohol counselor. When she found out I was a habitual smoker she said, I wish you weren't but their are many worse things to be on. And she also said if I used the MJ to get off alcohol it was fine, since I was a smoker already for 15 years, she would rather see me sober, but if thats the worst then thats the worst....she thinks it's safer than Chantix (spelling), the new anti craving wonder makes people depressed...LOL.

Also ask yourself why our brain has THC receptors, and no alcohol receptors?
I am an alcoholic as well. I quit drinking for about 5 years and then decided one day that I could handle having a couple beers; well, 2 years later I now realize that I can not handle only having a couple beers and have cut it out completely from my life. I use MJ also to deal with the withdrawls and nervous energy. I am a much happier and healthier person since I put down the drink and stuck with the herb. So Chantix causes depression; wow that is a great thing to give someone who has quit drinking. LOL.

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