If it is beneficial bacteria, and you are doing an organic grow, then I would say give it a shot. I've never used it, so I can't give you an oppinion on it but I have been doing alot of reading lately on true living organics, and hope to give it a try in the near future. Beneficial bacteria is what TLO is all about. The thing to take into consideration is that you will not want to use any chemicals of any sort during your grow. This means pH adjuster, and fertilizers. You will want to either mix up, or buy a good soil, and feed with an organic line of nutes, like GO, or Earth juice. You will also want to get organic pH adjusters, Earth Juice makes a powdered organic adjuster. Good Luck, and if you go this route do a GJ...let us see the results. IMO there is not enough documented organic grows on the site.