looking for a second opinion on defficiency/toxicity problem

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Thanks for the new pics...from the looks ...they look like a couple more weeks..maybe a 16 week strain..they look nice to me and would push acouple more weeks..
Are you just using GO Bloom without the other GO products? GO bloom is not a stand alone nute--you need at least some of the other GO products to go with it.

These plants do not look to be sat dominant and therefore, 3 months is probably way too long for them to be not finished. I am wondering about light leaks and or inadequate lighting. How much light do you have in how much space? Do you have adequate air exchange and air movement? I'm thinking you have some issues here that we should be addressing before you start your next grow. While MG soil and nutes are not the best, I don't think that contributed 100% to the plants not flowering well and taking so long. I really think there are other problems that will affect your next grow.
My outside grow of Pinapple Express this year was done with MG Organic Soil and MG Ferts. I used MG Bloom for flowering and I had NO problems at all,,, except for Stinken Spider Mites late in flower. Little Basterds.:icon_smile:

I have to agree that it sure looks like to much Nitrogen to me. I always cooked my Ferts in a Bubbler for 24hrs before, PHing at 6.8. and feeding.
Me not afraid. I am a realist. Sometimes ya have to use what ya have. My Hydro grows were done with Dutch Master A&B Grow and A&B Bloom,,but I aint afraid of MG Ferts. If cooked and used Properly,,they work just fine for Soil. The MG Organic has great runoff.
Hey Tommy...just a heads up. Just because you use Organic nutrients doesn't mean you don't need to watch your ph. You still need to have a healthy micro herd in your soil or you will run into ph problems. If it was as easy as just using organic nutrients we would all do it. Did you inoculate your soil?
thanks pcduck and twohigh, i have clones that ive already got clones waiting, and ffof, i think ill be alot better off with the next grow lol.
Hey Tommy did you switch ya bulb to HPS yet ?
I also dont know much about FFOF but i hear that some people mix light warrior with it ?
All the best . THC . +REP Hamster nailed it as well .
Did you ever get and apply the dolomite lime as advised some time back?

Cost a whole $4 at Lowes or HD and will correct the pH problems that you appear to be having.

my closet is a 3x7x10, im using a 600w switchable ballast with a vented hood, yes i have switched to hps, i am using general organics bloom, not sure what you meant by the "go" products your were talking about hemp goddess? i have added dolomite lime to the medium, i think my problem is that i used miracle grow garden soil in my containers, the soil in the root zone has a very clay like texture and almost never dries at all, even after 2 weeks, i didn't add anything too this soil beforehand, as previously stated i am very new to this lol, im sure this is a very rookie mistake. i have had huge ph issues since the begging and im thinking it is due to the lack of aeration in the soil, there is next to no perlite in this medium. and i still have a steady ph of 5.5 even after multiple flushings with r/o water phed at 6.8 and dolomite added 2 weeks ago.
Is the product you are using the General Organics Bio-thrive Bloom? If so, this nutrient is meant to be used with other GO nutrients, it is not a stand-alone nutrient. I'm not sure how else to phrase it. Here is a chart from GH showing what GO products should be given with what others fior different phases of growth.


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