SO im really sad, I went through a friend of a freinds dealer, I saw the bag come out of the house and into my car, I asked for a QP and got 3.5oz and suposedly the chick saw the dealer weigh out over 4.........Im thinking that dude thumbed the scale or something. and the chick is to sweet to say something I guess.
Well if I think about it like this is I paid 150 for a qp. which is like getting free oz . So i justed didnt get a full freebie. But it just sucks. Bad Karma to that dealer.
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Well if I think about it like this is I paid 150 for a qp. which is like getting free oz . So i justed didnt get a full freebie. But it just sucks. Bad Karma to that dealer.
Edited By SmokinMom- Please reread our policy on cursing. We try our best to keep this site clean. Rule #1 is:
1. This is the most simple of rules. There are filters in place to block the usage of many words that are considered to be unacceptable in polite conversation. If you notice that a word you've typed is replaced by asterisks, then it is one of these words. Please reconstruct your post to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the word that was blocked. Adding spaces or other characters to the filtered word is not acceptable here. If you attempt to bypass the filter by using any means, it's a direct act against the rules of this site. The Moderators will generally only delete the word itself from your post. However, repeated occurrences of this type may cause more severe reaction by the Moderators who are entrusted to keep the peace here.
Simply put, cussing is not necessary and should not be used. If you feel like cussing in a private message to another member who is tolerant of it, then that's fine. The use of cussing in the open forums is not acceptable as polite conversation. Please just talk without using profanity.