I live in a very conservative state that will probably never legalize MJ. The schools here, once a year, have Red Ribbon week where they spend the whole time teaching the kids of the dangers of drugs.
This doesn't include just the illegal stuff, but alcohol and over-the-counter meds like Tylenol too. The whole thing disturbs me, esp. the fact that there's no talk of moderation and my kids ask if I'm getting drunk whenever I grab a 2nd beer.
My kids are now 13, 12 and 7. I worry most about them telling a teacher or friend about odd smells, suspicions, etc and I do my best at hiding my use. I think the older ones already know. I'm not always good at hiding it but I try my best and my daughter's been known to snoop thru my things..anyways, I digress..
What I've been doing is talking to or sharing news articles with my older kids about the states that have legalized MMJ and the ailments MJ helps, and how. I try not to be too obvious, and I don't do this very frequently. It's working with them and I notice my oldest becoming more open-minded and understanding. I'm 99.9% sure he knows I use. The 12 yr old is a little harder but I think she's softening up.
I about died one day when I had a car-full of kids and somehow we got on the subject of drugs after a Sublime song, lol.. and my oldest said herion is good medication for pain.
I didn't quite know what to say.
As far as them smoking with me, or asking me for any, NO WAY. Well I say no way. I guess I'll cross that bridge when we get there. But for now I stand firm that none from me, or even with me until they've turned 18 and graduated high school. I may even change that to 21.
(My parents divorced when I was young and I lived with my (happy alcoholic) dad who was so awesome! He bought me beer and cigs from 15 yrs old and up. I know he smoked on rare occassion, he knew I smoked on rare occassion. My house was the house everyone liked to hang out at. Never did my dad and I smoke together though, or share mj.
Just threw that in there so I didn't sound like a total prude.