It's Clearly,... Crystal

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Well hello kids! Nice to meet you all,.. Crystal here,.. I haven't grown in years and years,.. I could be the poster child for medical marijuanna,.. Fighting an unknown disease near 9 years now! I finally got my Colorado license, took me long enough to apply (financial reasons) Hope to refresh my memory here some! I just brought my new babies home! I got 4! including a white widow I call snow queen and a Great White I haven't named yet,... I grabbed an Indica and an OG Kush,.. I wanted a pretty combination! Well after I got them home I reallized the great white and my snow Queen white widow,.. are a little stressed,.. I was looking at their cups and realized they prob needed transplanted! So I got them some 3 gallon pots and did the transfer! I gave them all about a full cup and a half of water,.. they are in frog dirt,... Im wondering if I should have given them more than that in the water or if I should just check on them before bed! Not even sure someone will catch this before then! But I thought I'd ask! Their leaves are a little curled and they just look stressed! I have them on the 24/7 they had them on in the shop for fear of shocking them to bad! What do you think? should I sing to them?:holysheep: lol I'm not really good at it and afraid they'll really go into shock then lol! Again a pleasure to meet you all! Hope to learn lots and lots from you! ;) Thanks so much for your time! Clearly,......Crystal:watchplant:
Welcome to MP. First of all get rid of the blue and all capitol letters, it helps us old people read your posts alot easier. Your clones will be stressed due to the big change in enviroment fer one. Water, Check everything from ph to temp of your growing eviroment. Speaking of which. a little info would help us to help you: Lights, nutrients u are using, growing enviroment, etc. a little tlc and proper care, and letting your babies get used to thier new home and you should be alright. Also on your clones, how tall, may wanna wait on nutes till they improve.
okay cool sorry,.. got your attention anyhow! They are looking better since the hubby put the humidifier by them! We are using Happy frog soil with mycorrhizae and Humic acid "Jump start Grow formula" The Indica Great White is about 10 " tall root to tip and the others are all 12" My snow white widow, my sweet sense and my OG I just have them under a ridiculous light system here as I brought them home (gotta work with what I have I only get like 5600 bucks a year in disabillity,.. (Rich of them eh) any how It's Two 60 Watt Natural "daylight" flouresent light bulbs and One 60 Watt "Sun Light" Flouresent,.. My Gal pal is supposed to brig me her grow light and timer tomorrow! I figured I would keep them at the 24/7 for a week while they settle in,.. They are 5 almost 6 weeks old! What do you think? Thanks for all the advice! Clearly,..... Crystal
Sounds good fer veg. The height is good if you have the room. When you start the nutes go easy. About a 1/4 to 1, real weakened to see how your ladies react, then slowly increase till full strength. Some pics would help. You may wanna consider flowering the taller ones soon but as i said if ya got the room, just remember they double and can even triple in height if they have more sativa in them. Gl and keep us posted.
Thanks Chef! I will head your advice! I will get some pics of them soon! I was thinking a week on the transplant bed at 24/7 then change the light to 18/6 do you think a week is to long,... No with my licence room is not an issue! I got the girls right in the living room with me! :watchplant: :)
Kewl no a week is not too long. Must be hard to watch tv!
Yes yes it is hard to watch tv I keep getting up and peeking at the girls! They look quite content this morning! So now I am! I'm going to try to get some pics later,.. gotta go see the doc this morn,.. not real thrilled with that! I could be the plster child for government run health care,.. If ya'll could see me,.. bet you wouldn't get in line for this ****! Gotta Run! Thanks so muhc Chef,... Were you at.?
I'm like a bad penny, i keep showing up. Hate doctors but they are necissary. No sweat! You may look like death warmed over but soon you'll feel like d.political name!......only food hungry!
High Ish and Hamster Chef.. Your so cute,.. Im Lovin ya already! I have an eating disorder,.. a passion for food! I'm beging to wonder how nec. docs are when they keep postponing tests,.. for a "different one... or three" I'm annoyed! He told us about 4 weeks ago if we don't figure this out,... I'm gonna dye,.. but, he dropped the ball having this test prepared,.. so he dumped it back on me sent three "test kits home" nice,.... Oh well I had to peek in on the girls imediately,.. They are in three gallon buckets,.. I gave them all about a cup and a half of water this morning the Iss still looks a little peeked,... gonna try to get pics tomorrow,.. Her leaves on the top are curled in and up and she has like three yellow dots on one leaf,.. her water leaves are wilty,... should I have pinched those? Headin that advice chef! If your really a cchef I'll give you a LIST of wat I cant eat you tell me whats left huh?! Clearly,.... Crystal
Do you have a meter to check the PH of your water?
PH should be 6.5

:joint: Welcome to Marijuana Passion!!!! :joint:

Hey Geezer NO I don't have a ph meter yet but I could pick one up tomorrow and getter done! Hi gone 2 pot lol what cute names everyone has! I pinched off one of the water leaves on the Iss and two browning leaves off the top side of the OG! Because they were just a strugglin to hang on! I pinched them off and both of them are standing proud now! YEA! My lil "snow queen" (my white widow) has addapted VERY well to her new home and LOVES the humidifier close! And they are all sooo content tonight! I'm soooo glad I get to meet you all! Thanks for being so friendly and helpful! Clearly Crystal

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