Island Of Misfits

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Good morning brothers and sisters!

Mostly cloudy with some morning rain starting at 58F and predicted to rise to 72F.

Alas I went to drive the Jeep to the storage garage to haul a car seat to a salvage yard and the check engine light came on. I have oil and oil pressure, as well as coolant so it is something else. I can't get an appointment at the dealership until Monday, so put off cleaning the garage.

Gym this morning first thing and then I have five appointments today with my HVAC contractor to do the annual service on the furnaces in our house and rentals for the coming winter season. The first at 9:30 this morning and the last at 2:30 this afternoon.
!@#$%^&*() Squirrels are picking off our tomatoes as they ripen, so I picked them all green and will ripen the remaining tomatoes off the vine or eat them green.

I relocated five squirrels last year with no effect and tried to keep them busy with peanuts this year to no effect beyond smiley faces. The perverse thing is that my Plan B was to relocate the tomatoes to the side rose garden next year to avoid the squirrels and discovered that they are burying the peanuts that I feed them in the back yard, in our side rose garden now.
Good morning, Misfits. Looks like a grand & glorious day today. Maple trees are starting to color up more and fall antics are soon to be arriving. This year flew by! Ullr will be shortly wreaking his vengeance on the North.

Good luck on outsmarting those tree rats, GW. For a supposedly dumb creature, they are remarkedly crafty.
Do they know what is wrong
Yes this is the text I got from Tina his wife:
Thanks for keeping everyone updated for me.
Carty is finally getting some rest and his stomach has calmed down some but it's going to be a long road to healing I believe.
Sitting on the couch smoking a bowl. The guests have departed, so no need to sneak into the garage, lol. Just checked the garden, everything looks great. The Gabagoo F4 Autoflower has just indicated female, so looking forward to seeing it bud out.
I was remembering one time when me, my brother and a friend were out getting drunk and smoking bud in his friend's Cutlass Supreme. We decided to drive out to Dark Hollow Road, a gravel road that loops off the main road and comes back out up the way.

It was dark, and we missed the correct turn off. Where we actually drove down was Pig Pen Hollow, a road that loops below Dark Hollow Road. So we are going down this gravel road, when suddenly the road has eroded. We had to find rocks and fallen tree branches to repair the road, because there was no way to go but forward. It was very steep and had a drop off on the one side.

So we make it down, and continue until we come across a creek with no bridge. The winter snow had melted, so the creek was up and running pretty fast. However, there was a big fallen tree in the middle of the creek, so my brother and I waded out there and moved the tree out of the way. We got back into the car, soaking wet and freezing our asses off. Our friend drove through the creek, up a hill and back onto the gravel road. It twisted, and had more hills to navigate before we made it back to the main road.

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