10k ft is going to be a lot colder then 4k. Cold air causes marijuana to increase resin production, as well as cold air reduces the harmful overheating cellular effects from intense UV. Heat and UV oxidize resin.
You ever have a trampoline over grass? The grass under the trampoline grows at 3-5x the rate, is much darker green and much healthier. No brown tips at the cut ends from the mower. This is called light deprivation. You let plants veg in full sun then when the flowers start growing you block the harmful UV with a lightly woven fabric, like a “shade sail.”
UV damages plant tissue the same as it does human skin cells. The tops of plants usually take the brunt of harmful UV and subsequently the highest levels of cannabinoids are found just under the top, shaded by the main top.
Edit to add: Latitude will drastically affect UV absorbance as well as Azimuth. If you are in Washington on a north facing mountain you might see 1/10 the solar irradiance as if you were in San Diego on a 32 degree inclined southwest facing mountain.