is it possople to grow in a bedroom?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Is it ok to grow in abedroom or a closet in a bedroom?

I heard that plants releases bad chimicals at night might kill you??

Yes it's fine growing in your bedroom or your closet.
Thanks man.. so if i didnt post tomorrow that will mean im dead because of the plant.
red_ss said:
Thanks man.. so if i didnt post tomorrow that will mean im dead because of the plant.

Haha thats some funny stuff.
Perhaps another for the myth's thread? But ive never heard this one before.
If im not dead you wont die.
lol...too funny!... the plant actually has the opposite effect of what you are thinking, buddy. the plant "breathes" opposite of an animal... it uses CO2 in the photosythesis chemical reaction to produce Oxygen, as far as I know. of course, things may have changed since I learned that biology leason in school... I coulda been high that day, too, so I might be backwards in my thinking. :p

that's my story, and I'm sticking to it...:ignore:
Plantlife helps you breathe and you help them breathe. fresh air is a necessity for them or they may die though
Thanks guys.. thats a relife now i will sleep with the plants and breath with them
i know this sounds retarded but i have emphazima (cigarettes) and i sleep in the room with all my ladies...i think it actually helps my breathing...tokin up does also.
red_ss said:
I heard that plants releases bad chimicals at night might kill you??

hehe ye that was funny :p but i guess some of the things people use could irritate youre lungs like perl/verc and ion generators ? as i read on this forum somehwere that some ion generators could be slightly toxic :s i hope not too much cos i have mine runing 24/7 to ease up on the smell :(
TwIsTeD-SmOkEr said:
hehe ye that was funny :p but i guess some of the things people use could irritate youre lungs like perl/verc and ion generators ? as i read on this forum somehwere that some ion generators could be slightly toxic :s i hope not too much cos i have mine runing 24/7 to ease up on the smell :(

Too much ozone concentration in a room can kill you... not just be slightly toxic. Came with co2 use.
red_ss said:

Is it ok to grow in abedroom or a closet in a bedroom?

I heard that plants releases bad chimicals at night might kill you??


I'd be more afraid of the boogie man or a crawling eyeball
red_ss said:

I heard that plants releases bad chimicals at night might kill you??


LOL No way will this happen!!!
If anything when it flowering it has a sweet arouma and that the strongest smell that is in the air !! MMMMMMM SWEEET.!

So your Safe and you won't Die........
hey man.... I just thought up an idea for a new horror flick. Perf!... I'm gunna make millions writing the screenplay for it! LOL

listen to this idea peoples...

MJ gone wild....

the earth gets bombarded with some kinda freaky radiation, eh... and the world's mj gains intelligence... and it figures humans r the enemy cuz we smoke it... so it starts releasing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere... and we here at MP figure it out and save the world... LOL

u think???
That crazy vancouver guy said:
listen to this idea peoples...

MJ gone wild....

the earth gets bombarded with some kinda freaky radiation, eh... and the world's mj gains intelligence... and it figures humans r the enemy cuz we smoke it... so it starts releasing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere... and we here at MP figure it out and save the world... LOL

u think???

LOVE it! :)
That crazy vancouver guy said:
hey man.... I just thought up an idea for a new horror flick. Perf!... I'm gunna make millions writing the screenplay for it! LOL

listen to this idea peoples...

MJ gone wild....

and we here at MP figure it out and save the world... LOL

No, how it ends is they legalize smoking MJ and we at MP are let loose on the job and smoke that crapp off the face of the planet.

Crisis is over no time flat.
That crazy vancouver guy said:
hey man.... I just thought up an idea for a new horror flick. Perf!... I'm gunna make millions writing the screenplay for it! LOL

listen to this idea peoples...

MJ gone wild....

the earth gets bombarded with some kinda freaky radiation, eh... and the world's mj gains intelligence... and it figures humans r the enemy cuz we smoke it... so it starts releasing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere... and we here at MP figure it out and save the world... LOL

u think???

Better get down to HollyWood and walk the line.
oh that's right... peops r on strike. k... I'll write a book. ;) . can do that at home too.:D

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