I need help

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Aug 20, 2008
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hi guys i have a question regarding the aerogarden indoor unit. i am currently growing sour diesel in this machine. as of august 10 i planted 7 seeds one in each pod.2 are growing perfect one started growing perfect then the root became very thin so it is not strong enough to hold itself up. so i proped it up using toothpicks. the root went from thick to very thin back to thick and the top of the plant looks great. why is the root doing this?
another plant started to grow and then stopped. Why? one other one is off to a slow start and two look to be duds. what do u guys suggest i do about this?
your plant should never not beable to stand up itself,expecially a seedling.i recommend having a fan giving your seedlings a soft breeze.my plants have a fan running on them throughout the grow.i dont know anything about your system but i trust bombbudpuffas opinion.id make a box and use cfls,or i'd even recommend using the 4 ft dual bulb flourescent shop lights.they cost like 15 dollars at walmart or home depot.
The Aero Garden

I saw an article in High Times where someone used one with clones. They got about a dub sack. Not worth the time and effort imo. Use it to grow some herbs.
lol,yea bro..definitly ditch that.you minds as well just go by a gram instead of payin the electricity to run that.waste of time i.m.o.
I got the same high times and they came to the same conclusion, that thing is useless for growing weed. The light isn't strong enough, their isn't enough room and all around it was never designed with cannabis in mind. You should have went 12/12 directly from seed if you even have a hope of trying to flower in that thing.
i found some clips on you tube that successfully grew sour diesel in the aero garden. also when i reach the flowering stage i will plug it into a timer to go 12/12. i did lots of research on this unit before i bought it due to convinience and just for personal use. i travel a lot so i dont always have the time to attend to the plants. so this machine just helps out. being that it comes with its own pack of nutrients does anyone reccomend other kinds of nutrients to help out the growth? also if the plants get large enough i have already modified the height available for growth.
I have to agree with the others, the aerogarden is not at all designed to grow mj, it is just too small, it is designed to grow leafy crops like basil and other herbs or very small things like chilli pepers and cherry tomatoes. YOu could never grow normal tomatoes, and a tomatoe plant is a lot more similar to MJ then basil.

I think that you are going to be very dissapointed with the results... Growing MJ takes time and energy, probably more for something like this because of 1 it is aeroponics and for 2, because it is tiny.

If you pulled more then 5 grams dry in total I would be very impressed. Sorry for the bad news. With the enitre unit being 21 inches tall, and the growing area being half of that, it is going to be next to impossible to grow sour D, in an aerogarden. I would love to see those youtube links
do a search for aerogarden marijuana and look for anything that says sour diesel
i just saw something that was like 24 seconds, but all it showed was a few plants vegging, vegging is not the problem, I want to see some plants flowering.

hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5Zrhkz8Cw4 (replace the xx, with tt)

Look at the comments, of what others are saying under the video clip. I am interested in seeing the clip that made you buy this tho

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