I gotta ask

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Red eyed gardener

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2012
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I want to start to graduate over to organics on my next grow and i picked up a bag of Miracle grow organic potting soil to put my cuttings in once there rooted.On the bag it says the nutrients come from poultry litter or something.Sorry to keep bringin the MG subject i know its like entering my pt cruiser in a drag race but i just want somethin to start with because i plan on reusing the soil again and using peat,perlite,vermiculite and composted chicken and rabbit manure and bat guano to make an organic soil to transplant in.what does anybody think about MG organic potting soil?
Never used it, but chicken manure is pretty strong stuff.
I don't know it to be true because I've not used it, but have heard that chicken poop can be real 'hot' and cause root burning and damage. Maybe the composting deals with that. There are commercial chicken poop ferts out there, but have never heard of rabbit poop having a fert value. But I don't get out on the farm very much... heh...

But regardless, I still say that MG is the borg. Wouldn't trust them across the street. Start with a generic (quality) potting soil and you'll save the human race from molestation.

I bet Nixon used MG products.
Ive used the Miracle grow organic, i needed some soil at the last mintues wife picked that up, its got some kinda big chunks of bark in it, but it seems to work pretty decent, it doesnt wet very well the first few times, but it didnt seem overly hot.
Miracle grow organic potting soil

I think that is what Hamster Lewis uses and he has some fantastic looking grows using it.
Rabbit manure has a higher fert value than Chicken manure does.
Red eyed gardener said:
I want to start to graduate over to organics on my next grow and i picked up a bag of Miracle grow organic potting soil to put my cuttings in once there rooted.On the bag it says the nutrients come from poultry litter or something.Sorry to keep bringin the MG subject i know its like entering my pt cruiser in a drag race but i just want somethin to start with because i plan on reusing the soil again and using peat,perlite,vermiculite and composted chicken and rabbit manure and bat guano to make an organic soil to transplant in.what does anybody think about MG organic potting soil?

While it is not available everywhere, I use a product called Kellogg's Patio Plus that I get from HD. It is $5 for 1.5 cu ft.--cheaper than MG and it does not have big bark chips in it (although some of Kellogg's other products do). It has a few organic goodies thrown in, but the soil has not been too hot. I use this as my base soil because I cannot get Pro-mix or Sunshine mix here.

I am still a real newbie at organics, but I believe that if you want to use a supersoil type organic mix, you are going to need a lot more that you have listed. Perlite and vermiculite are probably not both needed. I also believe that you will need to add more than manures--you will need some meals--bone meal, kelp meal, blood meal, alfalfa meal, some rock dusts like azomite and rock phosphate, lime, epsom salts, and something to get the microbes started like Bio-tone.

I have been using the MG organic mix as I couldn't find anything else in my area that was organic at the time that I needed it. I think its ok to use as a base soil, but like THG said, you really need to look at getting all the ammendments to make it do like you need it to do. I found some stuff called "Cow Peat" which is composted, organic manure with some other woody stuff composted with it. It is very rich in humus and mixes great with the MG organic soil. Make sure to get some "sweet lime" to mix into the soil before planting in it.

You may also want to get some soil that is very light on the organic nutes for starting the kids in for a couple weeks before transplanting them into the hotter soil. I made that mistake and cooked the roots right off my pretty clones :doh:
I was going to mention the Kellogg's, but THG beat me to it.

Cool. If i keep hangin out with you guys and goddesses ill be growin the super dank stuff before you know it.I remember someone was mentioning somethin about the kelloggs soil in one of the organic threads.Im gonna make me a shoppin list tonight.Thanks ,you guys rock!
I have also had good luck with Kellogg's. I usually mix their patio plus with their indoor mix 50/50 and add a little lime and some extra perlite...and bennies.
build your own soil...keep it simple...
I love the way MG Organic soil drains.I use it for all my Vegies and my Girl loves it to.

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