HPS vs MH for veg

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Nov 23, 2009
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I have a 250w hps lamp that puts out 33,000 lumens. I could purchase a MH conversion bulb for this fixture for vegetation growth but the lumens on it are only 22,000. It is just a small closet grow, 2x2 so I will be well over 5,000 lps either way. I am moving some bag seed plants so the good seeds I bought have the big room.

So the question is do I spend the money on the conversion MH bulb or stay with the HPS?

Thank you,
Wow, that is a great thread! Thank you very much 4u :D

I have great results vegging with HPS, Ive done a side by side and there was no visible difference in the plants growth.
I "Believe" U of Wash. did a study and found only a 10% difference between the two (hps vs MH) being the hps was better but lacked the better blue spectrum as the MH does... ~
plants under metal halide have grown at a slower rate then under hps, thats the only discernble diff I;ve found. Blues are kinder for regenning and if u got femmed seeds and lay to the enviro factors that decrease shock and hermans.

i.e. More blues, more N, 18/6 hrs and ...cooler temps I believe was the influencing factors...

p.s. Metal Halide has more blues = more UV's which are harmful to the human physiology. i.e. cancer possibilities.
Thanks 4u. I read the thread that you posted above. It mentions a seedlings stage and a vegetative stage. I've always considered it vegetative growth as soon as the sprout pops the surface. Am I right, or does vegetative growth start sometime after the seedling has grown a few leaf sets?
The side by side test I just did- just harvested, no final weights yet- using a 400 watt MH side by side with a 400 watt HPS- resulted in slightly more dense bud under the mh and slightly more (and larger) fluffy bud under the hps.

I'm liking the denser buds right now!:D

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