How much do you smoke?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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I've seen mention of multiple joints smoked per day by posters. Me, I reckon I'm a real lightweight - I use a little pipe I made out of apple wood, and if I'm not doing much I'll hit it maybe 4 or 5 times/day. Maybe a little more if there's likker involved, though not much more.
Also, what is your smoking medium? I had a big old bong I gave away because it was a pain to keep clean. I wouldn't mind replacing it with a smaller one some day. I used to put crushed ice and Kool Aid in the old one, and it made for a much more pleasant smoke.
My old huffers aren't what they used to be.
I have a bong but as you said it is a pain to keep clean. I have a small pipe with a built in lighter that I use some times but mostly I like using cones. I may finish one cone in a day I must be a light weight as well. I have friends and family that smoke 3-8 blunts a day and I honestly couldn’t smoke that much everyday.
I have a bong but as you said it is a pain to keep clean. I have a small pipe with a built in lighter that I use some times but mostly I like using cones. I may finish one cone in a day I must be a light weight as well. I have friends and family that smoke 3-8 blunts a day and I honestly couldn’t smoke that much everyday.
takes dedication, fortitude ,and snacks.
Usually a toke or two or three of bubble hash. I guess I grow stronger stuff than the heavy hitters. :)
On a serious note, I don't want my tolerance to get like it used to be. We all know that anything besides clean, fresh air just ain't good for your lungs, and I've only got a total of 1.25 left.
I’ll just say I’m not a lightweight. My favorite way to consume is Marley blunts but when I’m solo I do like the volcano bag.
the volcano bag is much lighter on the lungs and may be worth a try on your weak huffers.
Proper vaping I think will help. I'm in that vape rabbit hole right now. Early efforts were not positive. Too hot, not enough control, was actually more irritating than smoke. The stuff I'm trying now have the proper control, and can produce vapor that is indeed better than smoke, to me

Proper vaping I think will help. I'm in that vape rabbit hole right now. Early efforts were not positive. Too hot, not enough control, was actually more irritating than smoke. The stuff I'm trying now have the proper control, and can produce vapor that is indeed better than smoke, to me

Vaping above 365 degs F makes me cough my brains out
I’ll just say I’m not a lightweight. My favorite way to consume is Marley blunts but when I’m solo I do like the volcano bag.
the volcano bag is much lighter on the lungs and may be worth a try on your weak huffers.
I had to look up volcano bag. Yikes! As to Marley blunts...I'm a miser. Any smoke that goes up is wasted smoke, the way I see it. That's why I like my one hitter. Ma don't like weed, also, and it helps to keep the odor down inside. ;)
Proper vaping I think will help. I'm in that vape rabbit hole right now. Early efforts were not positive. Too hot, not enough control, was actually more irritating than smoke. The stuff I'm trying now have the proper control, and can produce vapor that is indeed better than smoke, to me

I've never vaped, but I've been behind drivers that were vaping, and it sure seems like a LOT of smoke comes out their faces when they exhale. 😲
I had to look up volcano bag. Yikes! As to Marley blunts...I'm a miser. Any smoke that goes up is wasted smoke, the way I see it. That's why I like my one hitter. Ma don't like weed, also, and it helps to keep the odor down inside. ;)
Build yourself a slurf tube. Two paper towels tubes, stuffed with rolled up paper towels with ones in the middle sprayed down with ozium. Blow your "exhaust" through the tube. One roll works, two end to end work better, longer.
I've never vaped, but I've been behind drivers that were vaping, and it sure seems like a LOT of smoke comes out their faces when they exhale. 😲
You can set it like that, but will make you cough worse than smoke. As to tobacco vapers, that's just a sickness!

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I had to look up volcano bag. Yikes! As to Marley blunts...I'm a miser. Any smoke that goes up is wasted smoke, the way I see it. That's why I like my one hitter. Ma don't like weed, also, and it helps to keep the odor down inside. ;)
Get your self a volcano and follow Unca's protocol. There is not one wasted molecule of THC! TINS!

Before I go to bed, I take out my volcano and mix herb and Keefe and run the bag a few times but I always roll two joints to take the bed with me. It’s pretty much a given that I will smoke both of them before I get up in the morning… it’s only been in the last few years that I have come to smoke weed during the day. I’ve found that it clouds my judgment too much when I’m out working on my cars. I am getting into the habit of taking mushrooms before I mow my yard, just a microdose to put a smile on my face… I have to go into town today to get a hydraulic hose made for my 60 impala. I hope to be driving it this weekend if everything works out properly…
Before I go to bed, I take out my volcano and mix herb and Keefe and run the bag a few times but I always roll two joints to take the bed with me. It’s pretty much a given that I will smoke both of them before I get up in the morning… it’s only been in the last few years that I have come to smoke weed during the day. I’ve found that it clouds my judgment too much when I’m out working on my cars. I am getting into the habit of taking mushrooms before I mow my yard, just a microdose to put a smile on my face… I have to go into town today to get a hydraulic hose made for my 60 impala. I hope to be driving it this weekend if everything works out properly…
Yeah...I can't smoke if I have work to do. Early in my career, I went home and took a couple hits at lunch.
I had about 20 minutes left on a job when I went to lunch. Took about two hours to finish it. And I was young. And smoked quite a bit at the time. I question anyone who says pot don't impair ya'. It sure does me. THAT'S WHY I LIKE IT! 🤪
I agree. When I am stoned, I do not process mechanical thoughts well, and my hands don’t seem to have the coordination they do when I am sober… I have to wait until my AC guy is done, but I have to run into town to the Hydraulic hose shop and have them swedge a high-pressure power steering hose. The replacement power steering pump I got had a fitting in another area so I have to accommodate with a new hose fitting. Nothing is easy when you get old… I take blood thinners, and after cutting my arm a half a dozen times there was enough blood on the floor, where it look like I had a fight with a mountain lion… a cotter pin across the back of my arm is quite a dramatic sight…

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