Hey there MP

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Hey there MP. I'm Engneer, a 45 year old dude, and I have a passion for marijuana. Let's see, I started smoking when I was 17 and loved it. Was a very naive kid and did some stupid things and got into a lot of trouble. Was put into rehab for 18 months at 19 (that or 5 years of prison) and was brainwashed that I'm a drug addict and I need God and meetings and blah blah blah.

Met my wife at the very end of this stint and married her 4 years later. I would have various "relapses" most of the time with alcohol, but sometimes with pot. The times with pot were when I was most happy. When I smoke pot my weight maintains at between 180 and 185. When I stop smoking pot my weight goes up to 220 - 225. It's happened three times over the last 15 years. Love to see some medical research into how that's possible, but when I tell people, they don't believe me.

I barely graduated high school and I never went to college. Over the years I have had some good sales jobs in insurance and mortgages. The problem is when the economy went bad, I couldn't find work. In May 2010 I started back to college and I'm now in my 2nd year of engineering school. My goal is to receive my Bachelors of Science in Bio Medical Engineering in May, 2014.

Today I smoke pot and that's about it, don't drink or smoke cigarettes (another benefit of MJ smoking is I can seem to put aside my other vices). My marriage situation is very difficult right now. I'm really starting to despise her. We have a 16 year old boy and a 13 year old girl and they know I smoke and grow. She tries to support the lie that MJ is dangerous because she is afraid if she doesn't her kids will use it, and as a result it has really messed up our marriage.

Spent Thanksgiving Day and this whole weekend pretty much by myself. Going to be alone for 10 days this Christmas. I'm telling myself to just hang tight. This is as bad as it gets. From here it goes up. For her its the start of the rest of her life and she's going to have to live with it.

Welp, as you can see, I got a lot of feelings and opinions. I've got a journal started and I think you'll see I'm a pretty good grower and a pretty good guy. Looking forward to getting to know some of you. :ccc:
Welcome to MP brosef.....My wife also lost 57 pounds over a year and a half all while smoking MJ. Sorry to hear about the marriage situation. My first marriage ended badly and I really thought it cldn't get better....but it did and now I am married to a wonderful woman who is everything my first wife wasn't. Hang in there....if the relationship has turned toxic then it might be better to get a clean break. Will checkout your grow when I get a chance.
WElcome to MP! I too had that first one that was ;lovely when i married her then she turned into this thing that fly's a broom fer a living! Keep going brother you'll get there!

hope to see ya around the boeards...untill then..

take care and be safe
Yo Ho Ho engneer,

First things first, Welcome to the site. We are much akin to a Living Library of good growing. Help with growing, and just about everything related to it can be found, and if the answer can't be found in the forums, then all one needs to do is just sing out.

It would seem obvious that you have many years vested in your marriage, and I can certainly feel your pain. Some of us have been down similar roads, and I number amongst them. I chose to find a way to educate my family. Trying to hide what you do, and who you are around young folks that age is a joke, and an insult to their intellect. I would recommend that you study your butt off, and learn all that you can about MJ.

Don't waste time my friend, get the job under way, and once you are confident that you can handle questions about smoking then you can pass on to your wife and kids some info that might help to turn a few things around.

I firmly believe that in my case I must be very low, or minus some certain chemical in my brain, and when I smoke I become keenly aware that I am suddenly banging away on all eight cylinders.

I don't smoke to get stoned all the time, in fact at this point in my life I smoke to rid myself of the nausea, and to take the rough off of some of the pain that is my constant companion. However there are times where I smoke to get that high, and yes I do enjoy that also.

The idea behind all this is first get the family educated. Let them hear you say that your not interested in going out buying and selling, or getting so stoned that you present a problem of any sort. Instead point out the good that it seems to be doing for you.

You must also protect them from the potential of trouble. They are innocent, and you need to show them how you will cover them should Leo suddenly come crashing in, and that sure don't mean physical violence.

You must use that brain your busy educating. It won't all change over night, but kids and certainly your wife have a right to feel uncomfortable, and it is your job to set them at ease. It can be done my man, patience and love will move mountains.

Consider this if you will. Check out a site called, "NORML". Look up your state, and study the penalties under cultivation. Let's assume that your state says that growing five plants or less is a misdemeanor, then grow four, but watch out for how much bud you end up with cause that fits in under a different category. Now you might consider doing what I do. I bury my smoke off property, and only keep in my own home that which if added up would still fit in the category of a misdemeanor. Now everyone here is pretty much protected.

The family has to see what you are willing to do to protect them as I have said. It changes a lot of stuff dude.

sorry for being so long winded...

smoke in peace
Welcome to the forum. I already found your grow journal

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