Help With Nft (nutrient Film Technique) Set-up!!!

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Mar 11, 2009
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Hi everyone,

I have been growing in soil. Althought he results have been adequate, I am thinking of set up the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system.
It will be 1m x 1.050m wide.
I will have 7 gullies - 150mm x 75mm under a 600HPS.
My gullies will consist of this order: 5 - 4 - 5 - 4 - 5 - 4 - 5 = 32 plants.
I will have them on a 12 / 12hr cycle after 14 days of vegetation 18/6.
Can anyone please tell me if I am going about this the correct way?
Any help, comments, suggestions etc are very much appreciated!

Biglug (o;
What do your gullies look like? I would like to set up an nft system for fun but they are dang expensive to buy.

From what ive read, you want a flat bottom to the gullies. But, the problem is the water needs to run in sheets across the bottom, so there should be a small trough, preferably concave.

Are you using PVC pipes or fencing? I was thinking about using these, but was worried about massive root growth cogging the system, and loss of air/nutrients at the end.

If you could post some pictures of your set up, id love to see it and try and get some ideas. You should definetly make a journal too, I dont think there are any NFT ones from what ive seen.
Hi mate im making my NFT next week so i will take pic's and post them on here.I found a good site last night have a look and see what you thank. The only thing that i wont do is used the misters they will block to easy.Here the web site
Here a web site with the type of Hydroponic system that im make.I can make it cheaper than buying one all ready made
Looks good man. Please, post up some pics as you build it and the materials you used. Id love to build one too.

If ya need any hep, im pretty familiar with how they work, and ive seen a couple of em. Feel free to ask or PM
The design of the bottom of an NFT gutter can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be. The key is to create as uniform a flow of nutrient as possible in the NFT system with the minimum of pooling, slowing, or other inconsistencies. In reality the variations created simply by the introduction of plant roots make that impossible without near-constant tinkering, but some things can help.

For example, I've seen some designs that incorporate tiny longitudinal ridges along the bottom to encourage laminar flow. It makes it harder for any kind of lateral obstruction to seal off the flow of nutrients and make a pool of more stagnant solution in the NFT gutter.

The only other thing I can think of is the surface. You need to make sure it's not aluminum or something that could corrode or react with the nutrients (and you'll want to use highly soluble nutrients). Cheaper nutrients will eventually leave deposits.
112mm squareline gutter is the best thing to use if your going to make your own gullys as they already have grooves along the inside to allow better water flow and 3" rockwool cubes fit inside perfect plus you can use all the standard fittings for the gutter like the stopends and the downpipes to run them into your nute tank, you'll need to attach a strip of stiff pvc along the top to stop light getting to your roots and to stop allgee ! if you use hinges to attach it then you can just lift it up like a hinged lid at the end of each grow to clean the inside of your chamber, also make sure you use a control tap "valve" on each inlet hose on each chamber so you can make sure each chamber gets the same amount of water an nuits.
good luck :)
p.s. going off the size of your system you'll want atleast a 1000 lph pump but if you can get a more powerfull 1 then thats even better.

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