Hello all serouis weed smokers/growers iam from the uk =)

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Hello iam from england i smoke roughly a Q a day thts 7grams as the terms for weed is diffrant here in the uk lovin the forum seems well gd iam just sittin on my pc havin a spliffter =) iam growing about 5 plants atm so any questions about growing iam here to answer also sell it so any questions about that also welcome iam 18 and ye well u get the idea i love weed

////Weed is a way off life////
welcome chav.

this site is chill. your help will be welcomed and appreciated by all

Welcome to MP. Glad to have ya here and hope to see ya around. ;)
also sell it so any questions about that also welcome


9. The sale of marijuana or the discussion of sales is not allowed here. The purchase or sale of any items through this site is not allowed. To purchase or sell something, you must first let this total stranger know exactly who you are and where you live. That just isn't smart.
Welcome,theres alot of good people on here and alot of very good info to be had and shared.Hope to see you around:dancing:

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