Heat detection prevention

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Oct 30, 2006
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Sorry if this subject has already been covered before but i couldn't find it.

im lucky enough to not have any neighbours for at least a mile all around me but i still get really paranoid about the helicopters, Im always hearing stories of people getting caught through Infa-red detection etc.. i was just wondering is there really a risk of this?? and if so is there a way of preventing it? Im sure i saw some reflective sheeting that stops the heat getting out???
You can use reflective materials.. but you best bet is to just use air circulation and fans to keep the temperature down enough its not as noticeable... if your room temp is 75... thats just a bit higher then room temp i believe.... also... i think that it was just ruled that they cannot obtain a legal warrent by using infrared on your house.. inless they get a warrent to do the infrared itself...
basically i sum this up to a myth... i think its more for finding LARGE outdoor crops..
Ahh ok thanks. I dont know if its differant here in the Uk but im a little less worried now. thanks again
When it comes to growing...always be worried and paranoid b/c the second you are not....you slip up, and that's no bueno.
Yeah, in your house they can't do anything about there being a heat spot in your house, it could be a range, a laundry room with the dryer on, who knows what it could be so they couldn't really see a heat spot in your house and go "it's marijuana lets search the house".

Out door is a different story. Helicopters fly over where i live about 3 times a year, but i'm not worried about the heat sensors because i grow in a pine tree field where they have high heat anyways so it matches the heat and it's not suspicious lol.

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