Haps At The Grow Shack

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Papaya Sherbet is 12 days now and coming on pretty good. By 14 days it will be at acceptical size. The Orange Presidents are at 7 days and have done better the last two days. Being autos they really need to get in gear.

Papaya Sherbet
Day 12.JPG

Orange Presidents
Day 7.JPG
The Papaya Sherbet is 14 days/2 weeks old. And she is doing ok. She got a quart of water with Stash Blend right in her local root zone. Then ring watered her with a quart of Recharge. Waterings will ramp up soon as she grows. She had been at 24/0 lighting @ 250 ppfd. I changed her to 20/4 and 300 ppfd today and will walk her lighting up for a few weeks. I also dropped her humidity down to 65%.
Day 14.JPG

The Orange Presidents are slow as hell for auto's. They may not make it. There at 260 ppfd, 24/0 lighting, 78f and comfortable. It's like they just won't get out of first gear.

Left Plant.

Right Plant.
Decision has been made. Been going back and forth for a long time. I will be getting a Gorilla Pro 4 x 4 tent. The 3 x 3 or 2 x 4 will have to go, can't keep them both. Would prefer the 3 x 3 to be the odd tent out. But it may well be the 2 x 4 because of how my office is setup. Won't have to buy anything else but scrog net. Have all the lighting, ventilation, humidification and control. Got the tent and high cfm kit in the cart on there site. Just waiting for there coupon offer to complete the purchase then move forward.
The 4 x 4 dream is dead. I started tearing apart the office yesterday afternoon and evening and mocking up a 4 x 4 install. I would need to shorten the ceiling fan blades by 4" and it would completely destroy the flow of my office. Not to mention the aesthetics. Not that there is much to look at. But as a office/cave it ain't bad for a man. And the wife even enjoys being in here at times. She does like a man vibe atmosphere. She helped with the mockup and tearing stuff apart. And we both looked at each other and knew what would be lost wouldn't be worth the gain. As much as I dislike the 3 x 3 it does fit properly. We spent hours measuring, moving stuff around, laying it out and playing with options on the computer. In the end 6" killed the dream.
The 4 x 4 dream is dead. I started tearing apart the office yesterday afternoon and evening and mocking up a 4 x 4 install. I would need to shorten the ceiling fan blades by 4" and it would completely destroy the flow of my office. Not to mention the aesthetics. Not that there is much to look at. But as a office/cave it ain't bad for a man. And the wife even enjoys being in here at times. She does like a man vibe atmosphere. She helped with the mockup and tearing stuff apart. And we both looked at each other and knew what would be lost wouldn't be worth the gain. As much as I dislike the 3 x 3 it does fit properly. We spent hours measuring, moving stuff around, laying it out and playing with options on the computer. In the end 6" killed the dream.
All good. Ya can grow a lot in a 3x3.
The Orange President autos are 14 days / two weeks old. They are healthy,,, but darn near runts in my book. It's ave. temp 77.9, rh 67, vpd 1.09. Not as stable has I would like but there has been some massive swings because of okie weather swings that affect this old shack of a house, lung room. Brought the ppfd up to 300 for a dli 21 heading into the 3rd week on a 20/4 light schedule. They are now on the butt chugging ACI XL base's. I did ring water them today with a qt. each of water with a 1/8 tsp of Recharge and Stash Blend mixed into each qt. These things need to get going and growing.

Family Pic.
OP day 14.JPG

Left Plant.
OPL day 14.JPG

Right Plant.
OPR day 14.JPG

The Papaya Sherbet photo will be 21 Days / Three Weeks old tomorrow. Week three it came alive. Conditions are the same as the Orange Presidents. Brought the ppfd up to 400 for a dli of 29 @ 20/4 light schedule. It got 1 gal. of water today with a 1/2 tsp of Recharge and Stash Blend mixed in. I like how it looks and how it got in gear last week.

Papaya Sherbet day 21.JPG

Papaya Sherbet1 day 21.JPG
The two Fastbuds Orange President autos made 21 days yesterday. The lone Fastbuds Papaya Sherbet photo is 28 days today. One thing I forgot to address when I put the soil together for these grows was a Calcium and Magnesium component. So I got a small 2 lb. bag of Azomite Rock Dust. This stuff is very very finely ground like baby powder so I will add a Tsp per. gallon per pot just as a backup that will become available quick for the plants if needed without overdoing it.

The Orange Presidents IMO are still small for there age. Being in 10 gal. bags does not help in the looks dept. But otherwise healthy. Did some leaf tucking today with the temps averaging 77F, 65% RH and 300 ppfd. I'll get the Azomite top dressed in and get it watered in when the bottom feeding system runs dry in a few days. I will be moving the humidifier outside the tent in the next few days.

Orange Presidents Autos, 21 Days.
OP Day21.JPG

The Papaya Sherbet photo has came on strong in the last week. It looks good in it's 15 gal. bag. Have done some leaf tucking. Will add 15 Tsp of the Azomite Rock Dust soon and give it a good watering. It's been at 77F, 65% RH and 400 ppfd. It really does not want anymore light at all. Got a very lite leaf tip burn all over the plant caused by the Gaia Green and Worm Castings coming on hard over the last week. So I will let it go a couple more weeks before I top dress. If it keeps coming on hard I will flip it to flower in a couple of weeks and top dress for bloom. Seems to be doing good.

PS Day28.JPG
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