Growing problems

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Jun 9, 2009
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I'm a first time grower and i did some research but maybe not enough. I germinated and planted about 20 seeds and about 11 of them started growing. They seemed to be doing good until one day i went to go look at them and the leaves were completely gone and all that was left was the stem. Is this because of animals eating them? If so how do i keep them from eating it? Also my one plant that i do have left is starting to get eaten by bugs. How do i keep the bugs away?
i use seven dust on my outdoor plants. it helps but after a rain it needs to be reapplied. the only thing i've found that seven dust doesn't work on is rollie pollies. im havin a problem with them right now myself. hope this helps be safe.
Which type of insects are they ?.. some insects are benificial ! ladybird bugs are useful to have around ! if you are growing in organic soil it is wise to use an organic pesticide that is designed to assist in certain bug resistance ! neem oil covers a variety of these bugs as well ! i use white oil for various bugs and dipel for controlling caterpillars and termite invasion although some people put a copper ring around the base of the plant to resist these bugs crawling up the stem /stalk of the plant ! peace and good luck ! p.s slugs and snails are attracted to beer poured into an orange with the inside of the orange removed they will drown in it !
might be leaf hoppers
they eat around the stem about ½ way up. makes the leaf drop

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