Gertrude ( Carmelicious )

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legalize_freedom said:
Nice to see ya've not posted for a little while, I always enjoy reading your posts. You write with a flare seldom seen here. I did not think about the negative ion generator, although I know I have read about it. Thanks for adding some solid avice to this thread...I was starting to feel very alone.
Hiya LF! Yeah, I've been caught up in holiday/family stuff lately. Plus, I've been busy bringing in my latest harvest, always a busy and fun time! About the ion generator; I bought one years ago 'cuz I'd heard that they were good for combatting odors. I didn't find that to be true, but it does a bang-up job cleaning the air of particulates! I'll go in and clean the beejeezits out of a grow space, then fire up the genny and the next morning everything will be covered with a layer of crud. Not dust really, it's too coarse for that... it's more like a super-fine grit. When I check this stuff out under my microscope it's usually loaded with pine and fir pollen (I live in an area that's inundated with conifer pollen year round, it's everywhere!) and two or three times I've spotted the familiar "deflated/cratered basketball" cannabis pollen, so I know it's offering at least some protection. I hope so anyway :D

Gordon! May your grows be verdant and prolific, may your harvests be joyous and abundant. I wish you all the best! Listen to the gurus here at MP amd you cannot go wrong. I have learned so much under their patient and kind tutelage, I know you will too. If we're lucky, some day we'll know half as much as they've forgotten! ;)

~Snax (He Who Lurks)
Gordon...don't let Snax fool you ...he to is one of the gurus. I don't think that it is anyone member that is exceptionally well gifted, as the combined intelligence of the "whole", the ability to openly debate various topics in a mature, and healthy manner. There are, however a few that shine through..they have been growing along time, and also a few who have knowledge in particular fields, because they have thoroughly researched, and put certain philosophies into action. All in all I think it is the group as a whole that makes this place so magical...from the experienced grower to the new one, dropping their first bean. You have come to the right place!

On a lighter note....pass me the bong!
Snax, Freedom,.....

It will always be a pleasure to visit this Forum, if just to hear from friends like you.

Can you recommend a Nutrient site to buy from? So many choices. I'm just
a bit overwhelmed by all the claims and adverts. I know I need different ratios
for the different stages. Please help.

Your friend from Long Island,

Hey Gordon a nute line is one of the topics you will see several different oppinions on here. I personaly like Foxfarm, and I notice that there are alot on here that use FF also, But then you will also see alot that like General Hydroponics, and a few that like Advanced Nutrients. Your best bet is to decide what you can afford, and go from there, also do you want to go organic, or chemical..are you doing soil or hydro..what do you have for lights, and you have a ph meter, (i don't know how many start growing without takeing these things into consideration) Your best bet being new here is to first read the site rules, and then read all the stickies at the top of each catagory. After you've done that...and you have a question about something you have read, you just post a new thread with your question....and watch all the different oppinions you get. If something you say is dead wrong you will know it very quickly. If something you ask is a matter of oppinion, you will see many different responces, and then you'll just have to go with your guts on which tip you want to try. Get in the threads and dig around man...don't do all your posting on the introduce yourself thread. Read as much as you can, and don't be afraid to ask a question. Smart allecs don't last very long here...we have some really good mods that boot people for being too ignorant or enjoy yourself man!
Fox Farms or GH....and a PH Meter for my soil.

I'll be working on this Today! ThanksFreedom.
ph meter for your H2O...before you feed, and also check runoff from the bottom, the water that drains out. And spend the money to get a digital one, not the cheap strips, or color coated capsules.
Hello and welcome..this is the introduction section

lol...yeah, you would get more responces if you posted your questions in the appropriate catagories, I mentioned this in an earlier post, but Iwasn't going to not answer your questions because they were posted here.

If you keep posting in the introduce yourself section, your going to miss out on alot of other peoples oppinions....
Not Looking for a lot of Opinions....just good ones.

Thanks Freedom....Thanks Snax....


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