G'day Cobber

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Feb 8, 2008
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I'm from the west end of the land down under. Any other Aussies about?

Used to guerilla grow in the hills east of Perth. It was a big part of my life back then. What fun!

Then I took a 10 year break while I got an education. I'm nearly finished with that and wanted to spoil myself with a small indoor grow for graduation. Wouldn't you know it, I can't find a single person that I used to know that still smokes. No seeds anywhere!

So I tried importing seeds from Europe. I've had 3 goes and failed on each attempt. Australian International Customs are off my Christmas list for sure.

So i'm up **** creek without a paddle. <Big chunk deleted by big brother>

If not, then I'll just be hanging about, taking in all those photos of peoples plants, and reminiscing about the good old days.

hi. Have you any hemp shops or bong stores? places you can buy books, pipes, papers, hydro and lights. General weed store, they might have seeds; or order some from a different supplier
please read site rules my friend..

9. The sale of marijuana or the discussion of sales is not allowed here. The purchase or sale of any items through this site is not allowed. To purchase or sell something, you must first let this total stranger know exactly who you are and where you live. That just isn't smart.

10. Trading seeds among members is not aloud.

take care and be safe
canibanol cannonball said:
hi. Have you any hemp shops or bong stores? places you can buy books, pipes, papers, hydro and lights. General weed store, they might have seeds; or order some from a different supplier

Hi canibanol cannonball,

We used to have lots of bong shops and smoking paraphenalia outlets in the mid 80s in Western Australia. The manager of one place helped me score some leaf from a bunch of smack addicts once. The shops all seem to have closed up for one reason or another. I haven't even seen a bong on sale at the markets lately. Something has changed. It's all very underground these days!

I've had sending money to Amsterdam and then waiting by the letterbox for weeks on end. If I'm really lucky I'll find some kind locals to go have a smoke with, but if not then I'm a hunter again this summer.


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