After three (3) years of being able to use both pain meds and Marijuana my Dr. has changed his mind. I must choose. Due to having chronic pain all over my body I'm forced to give up my Marijuana and keep my pain Rx's. Contraey to the law Marijuana IS NOT A NARCOTIC and won't touch my pain. Sure it helps the pain Rx work, but not by it's self. Duly note that I am a legal grower/patint undre OMMP. I'm in shock and awa #@&%$*!!! What's this world commong to???
Is there any :icon_smile: legal case law(s) that anyone knows of that fights this issue(s)??? HELP!!!!! Mabe "we" may start a class action/civil case.
Is there any :icon_smile: legal case law(s) that anyone knows of that fights this issue(s)??? HELP!!!!! Mabe "we" may start a class action/civil case.