I do what these guys do...the only thing I think I might ad that I didn't see here was that they need to dry as slow as possable, and I keep them in a dark humid place...but not so humid as to cause mold...I put a fan, NOT pointed directly at the bud, but just enough to keep the air circulating. The slower you dry them the better the outcome. I also dry till crispy on the outside, and still slightly damp on the inside (spongy)...then put them in jars, leaving them open for an hour every 4 hours, lightly turning the bottom buds to the top, gradualy shortening time of open jar. I also use a paper bag for small buds, gently shaking the bag several times a day. There is lots of info in the drying and curing section here, and other places on the net. Congrats on your first harvest!