This artical on Cherry Malawi was in this months Skunk mag. and was written by The Rev. I thought i should post it up seeing how we have some members growing Cherry Malawi F2s over here.
I really love this smoke. She involves no couchlock at all. She's very energizing and uplifting, with a semi-edgy side (I could see this hybrid causing a bit of paranoia in some). My friend Fing_57 grew this and sent me a nice sample. I made the Cherry Malawi by hybridizing a Hawaiian Cherry Bomb with a Malawi cultivar sent to me from a local in South Africa.
You can still find some of these around the web through private sources. I will be inbreeding this to stability in the near future because she's a real performer outdoors (if you have the season for it). The flavors lean heavily toward Malawi, with that watered-down, lemony and earthy combination, with a slight blonde hash background. She's a creeper and takes about 30-40 minutes to really set in for a nice, level high. She's supreme for wake-n-bake. Heavy chronic medical smokers likely wouldn't find this to be of much use, as she has little body to her. However, i find her stimulating to my mind and the legs are long. You stay under her influence for 3 or 4 hours solid. She then let's you down softly and smoothly, without and sleepy feelings whatsoever.
She yields an overflowing trashcan full of beautiful, thick colas. She's a dream for Sativa lovers who prefer to enhance whatever they're doing, rather than become wrecked hard and stumbling around, confused or tired. There's plenty of the couchlock varieties out there to choose from; if that's your speed, Cherry Malwai isn't for you.
Thank you Rev for this great write up on Cherry Malwai and i would have to agree 100% with it as i'm smoking some right now. :aok:
Also here is the pic of Fing_57s Cheery Malawi that was posted in the mag. along with The Revs Write up.
I really love this smoke. She involves no couchlock at all. She's very energizing and uplifting, with a semi-edgy side (I could see this hybrid causing a bit of paranoia in some). My friend Fing_57 grew this and sent me a nice sample. I made the Cherry Malawi by hybridizing a Hawaiian Cherry Bomb with a Malawi cultivar sent to me from a local in South Africa.
You can still find some of these around the web through private sources. I will be inbreeding this to stability in the near future because she's a real performer outdoors (if you have the season for it). The flavors lean heavily toward Malawi, with that watered-down, lemony and earthy combination, with a slight blonde hash background. She's a creeper and takes about 30-40 minutes to really set in for a nice, level high. She's supreme for wake-n-bake. Heavy chronic medical smokers likely wouldn't find this to be of much use, as she has little body to her. However, i find her stimulating to my mind and the legs are long. You stay under her influence for 3 or 4 hours solid. She then let's you down softly and smoothly, without and sleepy feelings whatsoever.
She yields an overflowing trashcan full of beautiful, thick colas. She's a dream for Sativa lovers who prefer to enhance whatever they're doing, rather than become wrecked hard and stumbling around, confused or tired. There's plenty of the couchlock varieties out there to choose from; if that's your speed, Cherry Malwai isn't for you.
Thank you Rev for this great write up on Cherry Malwai and i would have to agree 100% with it as i'm smoking some right now. :aok:
Also here is the pic of Fing_57s Cheery Malawi that was posted in the mag. along with The Revs Write up.