Buds flowering query (1st time grower)

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New Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Hey all,

So its my first time growing my own so its been a bit of learning curve the whole process, but thats pretty much what it was intended for.

I have three plants on the go in my green house. Two are fine, budding very well and doing nothing that is suprising to me. My third however is baffling me slightly. I have had a roumage through other posts to see if there was similar posting but didnt find anything that cleared it up for me, hence starting a new post.

Im sure im overlooking something and being a noob but thought id get clarification as to what is going on.

The plant is budding, but what is also evvident as you can see from the images is that there are also nodules growing. A few of the nodes have evn come into flower. Anyone tell me whats going on, is it ok for the plant to flower? what should i be changing if not?

Thanks for any advice in advance and being patient with the new guy/




Most probably a male sorry. :(At least looks like it to me, pull it...
That is a male plant, cover it up with a plastic trash bag before you try to remove it so you can contain the pollen.

bummer, but it happens. be happy you have two nice girls!

good luck!
It always sucks to see a plant that appears to have so much potential die at such an early age!:cry:
If the male opened up into a little flower it pollenated your female, hope its not too bad, do what Ilikebigbuds said and be gentle getting her out of there but do it now.
the second pic looks like a hermie to me.looks like balls on the lower pant of the bud..jmo
100% hermie, it will pollinate all females with worthless seeds.

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