has anyone ever had any experience growing or smoking belladona??? i've read that it's a such an instense strain that it's been known to make you hallucinate...
Glad ya brough this back up Mercy...I hate to keep bringin' things up all the time, but i've not found hardly any info for this strain...It'd caught my interest about 4-5 years ago , give or take, on O'rGrow...Just never seemed to be a favored strain tho...
Like what all are you looking for ...just info??? i'd check out a strainbase viewer...or check this hxxp://cannagenetics.tripod.com/cgi-bin/showstrain.pl replace xx with tt ...also here's an o'rgrow link ya can prolly find some info on there about it...hxxp://www.onlinepot.org/OGStrainGuide/Strainguide/OGSeedStrainsIndex.html replace xx with tt ....hope this helps any...if you find a grow of it let me know
I have read what is available online about the strain. I am looking for someone with experience as well. If I cannot find personal testimonials for a product whether it is a plant or a tire, then I will most likely not jump on it from curiousity.
Well toker the link you gave I had not seen before. It seems as though people have had great luck with her and I wish they included pics. Everything they stated seems too good to be true and it had one of the highest ratings on the whole site!
I guess you're best bet now would be to check out other grow sites besides MP...Nothing against MP, this is the best place i've been since OG , but ya gotta widen the search i guess...I'm sure if you try to look around some other forums ya might have some luck...can't guarantee it but those folks that put those reviews up has to be somewhere right ? Best of Luck...And what about the Jack Herrer LG ??? I've heard a lot of good things , as i believe it's won a cup or two...but haven't found too many folks on here that's grown it ...and what differentiates the jack herrer and jock horror???
I found it to be quite similar to something that would pop up in a Jack Herer grow. I would go with Jack Herer for the sheer variety you can find within a grow. Belladonna was the result of a Super Skunk backcross from the late eighties. That was when Super Skunk was ultra-hyped because of it's potency.