Anyone use rabbit manure?

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Active Member
Apr 12, 2019
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I have done a good bit of reading, and I'm pretty confident that between fresher pellets for tea and older, composted manure for a worm farm, I should be able to cover a good chunk of my nutrient needs. I'm coming to the end of my first grow and did quite a bit wrong along the way, but it still looks like a really nice harvest. Training was terrible, where it happened at all. I made some horrendous ph mistakes along the way, basically kept their ph level incredibly low by adding my pure tea to my ph corrected water and not adding the tea and then testing/adjusting. Just wondering if anyone has used rabbit manure as a main feed source for their plants and would have some tips for me. I'll post pics of what I have going soon, so you guys can see how well they've grown even with such abuse. I'll start a journal next batch too, now that I've seen how the process goes and how you guys post yours. I have lots and lots to learn, glad to have any/all tips and tricks for bunny manure, I have an inexhaustible supply ;)
Oh, for feeding, I have a bubbler bucket with about a half gallon of bunny poo pellets that I add about a cup of unsulfured blackstrap and 2 gallons of water to. That's pretty dingy and pungent at feeding time, so I go about 50/50 that and water, then adjust my ph to right around 6.5. Also been adding bat guano as a top dressing since they started flowering, but not interested in producing my own bat guano.
Hey Mick, there are several organic growers about this place so I’m sure you’ll get some bestowed wisdom soon...I think I would make sure the bunny poop was well composted before using it as feed...Well, there goes the sum total of my advice...Mayhaps I’m wrong so someone correct me...I wish you success

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