After Curing your Crop....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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And you try a sample...How/where do you store the rest. Just in big bags or what? Just kinda curious how you guys store yours
Depends on how much you have. I use quart mason jars which will hold around 3 to 4 ounces each. I dont like to pack it. Bags work ok but i don`t think it will keep as well all year in bags pluss i had mice have a fun time in my bags one year so i like something a little more secure. I have also used plastic jars with good results. I think it needs around 4 months for your bud to get really good and cured. At first it was chunky looking and now its just getting right where it crumbles up into that yellowish looking powder that really expands in your lungs. Good luck Slim
Leave all your bud in sealed mason jars.
Let it keep curing, open them up once an awhile, let em breath..
eventually you can just put the jar in the freezer, and that stops the ageing process.
"freezing" is not recommended by some. Once the plant material is frozen, all "elasticity" is gone. It will also make the trichomes exceptionally brittle, and easily knocked off.
I've never froze buds, and I'm sstill smokin some pretty fine '06 product.
Once "cured", titely sealed jars are the best ..that "I" know of, for storage.
Do you actually SEAL the jar shut? IDK how to make a seal with them, but I'll look it up I guess.
canning jars have a tite li'l rubber seal, right in the lid ;)
My bad? I was thinking along the lines of back in the day when my mom used to can fruits and sauces, she made an actual seal on the jar...Hard to explain I'll just shutup :)
FirstTimeGrow said:
My bad? I was thinking along the lines of back in the day when my mom used to can fruits and sauces, she made an actual seal on the jar...Hard to explain I'll just shutup :)
a seal for canning is accomplished by first heating the jars, then addiing the fruit, veggies, ect. and screwing the lid down tight. Once the contents and jar cool, the contraction vacume seals the lid..:)
right, but I would recommend new lids, and "crank" 'em down ;)

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