Advice for my 1st setup.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Afternoon yall!

This is my 1st post on this great forum and will also be my 1st attempt at growing due to a massive drought down here in the south. I just got married 2 months ago and bought a house and furniture to go in it, so i'm a little strapped for cash. I will also be using bag seeds from some White rhino i got(gets ready for verbal lashing), but it's all i can swing right now.


I have a storage room out back of my house with a wall a/c unit that is broken (thanks past owners), and 2 skylights. The building is 15' long, 10' wide, and 13' tall.

I will be using a back section of the room that is 8' long, 3'8" wide, and will be 5' tall. I will build in the Box to those specs with plywood and paint them white. I want to use Floro tubes for the less energy use, and low heat. I'm thinking a bank of at least 6, 4ft tubes arranged evenly around the top half of the box.

I will buy a dehumidifier for the room, but a replacement A/C is a little out of my budget. The room is well insulated and i will block the light coming in from the skylights to help.

My questions are as follows:

1. Are 6 tubes enough to light the space and what power tubes should i get (the bigger the better?).

2. I will be starting in late august and the temp should be nice for about 2 months in the building just left alone (75-82) just naturally. What can i do to vent the room without cutting out a whole in the floor (only part w/o vinyl siding). I will have oscillating fans in the room running 24/7 and will opening the door for a couple minutes everyday be enough exchange?

Thank you all in advance and so glad to be here.
8'x 3.8' is 30.4 sq/ft, you need 3000-5000 lumens per sq/ft, and personally I would go 5000.

I believe 6, 4' flro bulbs is = to 7500 lumens
You will definetly need more light.

Thats a good size grow area maybe you could half it off for 2, 4' x3.8' rooms
Then you would have one for vegg one for flower, but you still need ~ 70,000 lumens for the flowering room, you could get by with a 400 HPS that would be 55,000 lumens.
Thank you for the advice, but i would like to use just floro's for the cost and the fact they give off little to no heat. In retrospect i think i will cut down the size of my room to prolly 4' x 3.8 maybe 5' for a little extra room. I could put a couple of blue spectrum floros in veg and pink bulbs in the flowering to supplement a bit. Maybe a total of 10 bulbs. This months high times has a great article on a guy who grew an impressive crop with 16 philips TL-950 48 inch, 32 watt bulbs.
hi , i think i may be able to help.first whats the budget like and how often would you like to harvest ??
you can grow mega-plants with floros if you do it right and the fact that skylights are close by realy helps

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