A hardened few choose to stay and ride out Gustav

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Hattie Callan, 36, in the French Quarter, weaved her way down the street Sunday, a vodka drink already in her hand and it only 9:20 in the morning. She was staying behind to watch over several houses, and she wasn't worried.

"I've got liquor, cash, food, ammo and weed," she said as she floated out of sight.
lol,thats my kinda lady.with as many cops are around there right now,i wouldnt be rollin around with anything but my belongings to get the heck outta there.if them levees give out...bye bye she goes,vodka in one hand,blunt in the other and do you think the government will beable to save her....welll see..i didnt get to watch the news this morning nor last night,whens it supposed to make landfall?
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
..i didnt get to watch the news this morning nor last night,whens it supposed to make landfall?
Last I heard, around 2 pm today.. I think
Hick said:
ooops beat me potus.. not bad for an "old" guy.. ;)
lol,thanks for the info.i guess all we can do is watch the news and hope them levees dont give out.....while theyre worryin about a hurricane,im up here in michigan getting blunted.im glad to be where im at..even though it gets quite boring up here.:D
GreenThumbBlackFinger said:
ugh im glad i live where i do. no natural disasters for me.
You must live on the Moon. I don't know of any place that doesn't get natural disasters.

Move over....I'm moving in next door. Can I bring my pet gator?
Yo Ho Friends,

Yet another storm, and sometimes we think we have problems. WOW, all that new construction there in the already ravaged area is going to not stand up so well. Weather seems to be changing through-out the country, makes me wonder what's next.
Well we will certainly be thinking good thoughts, and offering up some prayers for the folks who have their lives vested in the south. I have folks, and friends there, and for now have already lost communication with some of them for one reason or another. Guess I'll watch this one close. I hate feeling helpless to help ya know ?

smoke in peace
storm eye is on top of HOMA right now!!!!!!! expecting 25+ inches of rain in my part of the world.... glad i got my crops indoors!!!!!
i hope ms. was spared.biloxi-gulfport area.not too sure with the weather this far from the scene.i've been watching the weather channel.if the tornados didn't pop up there.guess ms. missed it this time.
I was stationed in Gulfport MS for two years.

United States Navy Seabees, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion #1.

I can take a hummer apart and put it back together in two days with one helper.


"First and the Finest!"

have fun with the cleanup boy's.....disaster cleanup is ALWAYS a gas.
help me break this rotax apart that im turboing effen and help build this 650-two-stroke-cc lawnmower...then we can BONG it!!!!!!!


ugh...rotary engines.

Hope everyone is all good in my old stomping grounds.

Saw a picture of some of the casinos on the coast there...memories.

Had a good time whilst in the Biloxi/Gulfport area...LOTS of drugs down there.

...good times.

The ocean is strange there...flat, no waves. Like a lake.

I used to go to this movie theater that sold six packs of bottles for 5 bucks. They had swivel chairs and tables like a comedy club. The carpet was gone...leaving behind the sticky glue. Saw "Rocky Horror Picture Show" live there.
the effen gee,heck we [probably bumped into each other in gpt,area.i lived there for most of my life.what freaked me out about being up north is the deposit on pop and beer cans and bottles.and the price of cigs. ouch.yeah the islands(ship island,deer island,horn island)block the tidal affect i love it there but do not miss the heat.sure gets some hot.
i met lots of great friends that were stationed at the cb base.broad avenue.i've been trying to find a good friend i made that was a cb and stayed in gpt. for a few yrs after he got out.he moved back to madison wis.
nice to hear from someone who has been to my home town.thanks all
People still live in Louisiana, thats right up there with living in Tornado alley. I wouldn't build my house on a frozen lake and then wonder why it sinks every year. Idiots, watch this I can't wait to see all these moran's telling their heartfelt stories about how they are going to rebuild gosh dangit.

Aside from that hope no one dies but you know they will.

Coast Gaurd "Run, the levies are going to break"
Joe Public "Nah I'm good, I'm just going to wait it out, what could go wrong."