A correction to information I posted

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Hey everyone, while doing a little reading on a lighting problem, I again ran into some lighting comparisons that made me remember something I had posted, that was incorrect.

In one of my posts, I stated that direct sunlight at the equator was equal to about 10K lumens.

That's wrong.

It's 10K footcandles which is about one tenth of the lumen count.

Direct sunlight at high noon on the equator is between 30K and 130K lux. Lux and lumen are near the same value when considering the sun and pretty close with plant lighting.

Sorry about the mistake in terminology. Right church, wrong pew.
No prob, stoney :). I only spent $65,000 on my lighting based on your advice :).

You have too much time on your hands, stoney. Don't you have a girlfriend? :)
ArtVandolay said:
No prob, stoney :). I only spent $65,000 on my lighting based on your advice :).

You have too much time on your hands, stoney. Don't you have a girlfriend? :)
Ha! Yer killin me! Heck man, I've been searching high and low for a women who has a wrinkle fetish, but I haven't found her yet!

After all the years I spent busting my hump for a living, this retirement thing is seriously fine. I'm finally reading all I want to, building all the projects I've never had time to do and in my free time, I hang out here at MP!
:rofl: .... To funny Stoney...... I wouldnt have expected any less of you, if you hadnt said anything I doubt any of us other stoners wouldnt have even caught that ..... atleast I hadnt :D
Hey stoney...wanna research something really interesting?
Ditch the lumens and focus on spectrum in relation to distance to the equator ;) Then take various strains back track the genealogy to find the original location of the strain. Talk about wierd note taking :eek: :cool: I did read a blast on a post by me by someone using LEDs said its all in PAR. But makes one wonder if even if the strain has diff. spectrum requirements than other strains bred from diff. enviro viariables. Just a thought for maximizing potency/yeild. :) Never know when a strain might prefer more blue during flower then yellow. I've had some wierd stuff happen comparing MH to HPS...never know when just an LED spectrum by swapping it to a diff color might make all the diff in the world. :)

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