3 plants one sick

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Mar 12, 2007
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got 3 plants growing inside under 400 watts MH been budding about a month one of the plants leaves at the top are pale green and tips are curling under also the tips are turning brown and they are britle the other 2 plants are doing great all have been watered/fertilized exactly the same miraclegro bloom booster once a week. they are in 5 gallon buckets in miraclegro potting mix what should i do??
I would go ahead and give that lady a flush with some plain water and see what happens. ;)
If it were me i would try to hold off on the fertilizer for a lil delay the next time it comes time to fert your plants and yes give it a good flush of water a number of things could be going worng salt build up bugs..
already flushed them with water the did some what better but not much the leave are still pale

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