i have a 20ft x 4ft rear closet where the door is lsighted to the left where you open it and to the rite is 7 ft of room where i have my current grow room, rite now i have 6 40 watt flourecent bulbs, i was thnikin of makin 2 rooms out of it by makin a room to the left as well 4 the vegatative stage nd flowering stage as well. Will the light's being on at diff times have any affect if i shiled the light with tarps, if so can i use the same amount of light ill have in the other room or will i need a high pressure sodium lighht for the flowering stage? if i do how expensive r they? how many? and how much will my electric bill go up.......also i will need better vent so if i put some holes througfhg a couple walls that will lead onto a much bigger room with a squirril fan will that do the job?