1-2 Plant odor question.

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May 15, 2008
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hello everybody, this is my first post here. I currently have 2 plants vegging in a roughly 2 x 2 area with a 70 watt HPS. Im using a growing medium I found outside that consists of a few years of compost/leaves/soil all mixed up. Not exactly sure whats in it but after 1 week the plants are still green as anything. Just to point it out, i also cooked the growing medium in the microwave in diff parts to kill off any insects inside and picked out all the little roots or seeds I could notice.
Everything is going mint right now but the biggest concern I have about them soon is the odor. Ive been contemplating the do it yourself carbon filter but not sure if I should even bother. The area is sealed off for the most part except for the bottom where I have a fan blowing air up into the chamber and the exhaust fan at the top. Also if it helps, the 2 plants are too early to show sex, so I may end up with just one total anyways if one fails. On another note, I do a lot of smoking in the room that the spot is located in so it will be sort of a blending in of the usual type of smell around the room anyways.
I cant use anything too noisy to filter the exhausting air so thats why Iam concerned if i should worry bout getting a more powerfull fan to use for the carbon filter for just 1-2 plants. Any input would be amazing! Thanks! :cool:

Attached are a few pictures.





i dont know if its because im super high or what but i dont quite see the question? hahahhahaha

But if your trying to reduce the smell, your going to have to go with some sort of carbon filter. my cousin use to put like coal behind the fan in his grow room. it was in a bucket but it actually worked quite well. either way, those plants are going to smell. they always do.
Yes I actually happened to stumble upon the sticky post about odor elimination and figure I might as well try something simple like the dryer sheets. I will post some pics of the setup soon.
Do you know what strain you're growing? There is a lot of variability on odor from strain to strain. For example, I've found that white widow barely smells at all, but skunks reeks big time.

Also the dryer sheets make a huge difference. As will your exhaust fan. You might be fine with just that, depending on what strain you're growing.
I agree with Rehab....depends on strain..I Have a carbon scrubber but have yet to use it because the plug in air freshners work well 4ME...Good luck..
sorry friend.....Welcome to MP..those plants look healthy...Keep doing what you are doing and no need to worry about Odor untill 3 week of flower..IMO..Have fun and enjoy the smoke
Thanks guys! The strain is unknown its just a Midgrade bagseed. The bag it came from was semi skunky in smell and had allot of purplish tints to it. Im thinking a type of outdoor grown sativa but Im prob. wrong. Here is a pic of the stuff.

Mids 5 - 2 - 08.jpg
Well i had some white widow growing and rehab is right, i didnt smell it. but my neighbors did... :holysheep:

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