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  1. SlightlyStoopid

    Weather: Too Hot?

    how can you get bud rot from it being too hot? i thought bud rot was from the humidity being to high? just wondering cause im growing too in the desert and wanna be on the look out for any possible flaws with temps.
  2. SlightlyStoopid

    switching from dirt to potting soil...

    sorry about that. i had a question, but i got a anwser sorry
  3. SlightlyStoopid

    Too Hot Outside?

    so around the end of august i should see some growth spurts maybe? and no im not growing in the woods just out in my secret spot in my backyard, but thanks fr the advice cause we do have some woods around here that i might want to grow in, but i dont think hunters would be a problem in...
  4. SlightlyStoopid

    Too Hot Outside?

    Thanks for the imput smokey i just moved my little one into some shade/sun and it feels alot more comfy in the shade then the sun.:clap: i also have another question: Do plants that grow outdoor take a little longer to grow then plants that are indoor? :confused: Thanks, Slightly Stoopid
  5. SlightlyStoopid

    Too Hot Outside?

    hey guys, i have a question and you guys seem too have alot of usefull and helpfull anwsers. Can it be too hot outside for a MJ plant? cause right now its about 102.7 F :holysheep: and my little plant is only about 2-3 inches tall. if it is too hot would moving it into some shade with some...
  6. SlightlyStoopid

    Southern California Growing

    another question hahaha would a 3lb coffee can provide sufficent room for a root system to grow our should there be more room for roots to develop?:confused2: could i fit one or two plants? I plan on not growing more then 2 or 3. thanks guys! One Love, SlightlyStoopid
  7. SlightlyStoopid

    Southern California Growing

    Thanks for the feedback, i appricate it. You'll defintialy see me around the fourms. Tons of info to feed my hungry brain with knowledge. :)
  8. SlightlyStoopid

    Southern California Growing

    Hey guys, I live in Southern California in a area called the " High Desert". About 70 miles northeast of Los Angeles towards Las Vegas. I was wondering what kinda strains are suitable to grow in a hot/warm climate. :watchplant: You guys seem to know what your talking about, so any opinions and...