hell yea thats like stealing someones dog dont do that wut if it happended to you that would youd be pretty pissed i know if i seen someone taking mine they would get shot lol
i was wondering if mercury vapor lights are good for any thing becuase i got a 175watt and im useing flours for vegitation would the mercury vapor be better????
if i where you id make hash oil there is a thread in the hash forum on how too make it i juss did this wit my male plant it worked good and is very easy juss make sure you follow the instructions
its helps but i think its too early to be able to tell can some one explain to me wut the pre flowers look like wen there really small like wen they juss show up becuase i dont want to make a wrongful execution
no i just heard they grow bushyer and i didnt plant them yet the ones i have inside im not topping i juss wanted to know how to do it for my outdoor plants