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  1. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Thanks, I was playing light and my phone
  2. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Thanks for the tipI. 'm still trying to hold out to day 70 on the 25th I see a few amber trichomes here and there but not a lot
  3. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    So got some crispy leaf tips with some curling, is the the result of me over feeding last watering or something worse like root rot? Other then the leafs here's some bud porn too and I think my new BOM submission
  4. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I'm the same way, it's either all of my interests or none of it. I cant tell you the last movie I've seen or TV show 5 minutes into it and I'm distracted with something else
  5. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Trichomes are still cloudy with the tips here n there turning amber not the whole trichome But yeah I was like wth
  6. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    That sounds cool, I'm incredibly impatient idk if I could do that but I have also never tried so who knows. Photography is the only thing that ever slowed my brain down any and now this plant. I tried to grow right out of highschool. I had made a pretty terrible set up in an old school 2...
  7. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    It looks like she's shooting out new white pistols?
  8. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    Personally I am incredibly messy but I know exactly where things are...but at the same time can never find what I am looking 🤔 that's the ADHD side of the brain, can have phone in hand and be looking for it but you ask me where the most random things are at any given time and I usually know...
  9. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I use to be really into photography but it's been awhile since I've done anything with it..I have taken a few pictures of the plant but that's about it. I really should give it a shot again, pun intended
  10. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    Wow everyone here really is cool. It's amazing how a plant can bring so many people together. Lots of wisdom in these comments. IDK I will keep going through the motions it's just very dull. I think the plant is good for me though gives me some joy. This community is really cool, I will...
  11. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    So been doing some thinking about the next grow and decided I'm going to keep everything the same. Same soil, same nutrients different training. Instead of topping I will just pin it down and attempt a "floating screen" like @greenmobster440 does. I'll be using his seeds so I mise well try...
  12. greenscreen13

    Do you think dispensaries wait for amber Trichomes?

    I meant the growers for dispensaries
  13. greenscreen13

    Do you think dispensaries wait for amber Trichomes?

    I am just curious what everyone thinks about this...I personally don't think they wait
  14. greenscreen13

    GM Photo ReRun

    Just screens of beauty
  15. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I'll try to remember this stuff if I ever need it
  16. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    Maybe I should grow a patch
  17. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Yeah flushing doesn't do anything but not using pesticides close to harvest or at all imo is what would really matter
  18. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    The thing with the fungi is I've eaten an 1/8th on 3 different occasions and have never had any experience while people where tripping around me so idk what's up there My brother and I have been thinking of possibly growing some ourselves though but neither of us have really starting looking...
  19. greenscreen13

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I do tell myself to just go through the motions because I do believe things can turn around. I'm not religious but I do think things happen for a reason and I'm just at a chapter in life that's not the best but it is slightly better then it's been in the past
  20. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    check out the color today, WOW! I can't wait to watch her color out these last few days Trichomes are all cloudy with 1-2 ambers here and there but it's just the very tips that's starting to turn amber